The Family Bond- Naruto

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This is a naruto a fan fic, i do not own naruto but oc hiromo and emiko

Third point of view:

Scream full of miseries, sorrow, pain and hate filled the moonless night. And the Cries of the innocent filled the forest, silencing all that dwell there. The forest could hear the village people Cries for help, Cries for the fallen love.  Yet no answered, no one there to answer there cries, no one was there to try to stop the pain. Until, there was silence.

Standing in middle of burning village was a three figure that was surrounding by the bodies of fallen friends and family. The dead bodies forming a circle, the formation they took to try to protect the two cowering children. The Eldest of the two children was only eight years old, her long blue hair smeared with blood. Her sapphire eyes filled with fear and determination to protect two year old baby sister in her hands. Her hands wrapped around her little baby sister tightly in fear that if she was to let go her sister would disappear from sight and be gone forever.  The eight years old looked down to her sister memorising her sister pink hair and big sapphire eyes, which they got from their father. Their father was one the bodies forming the circle around them, his empty eyes facing the enemy. The third figure standing above the children held firmly on her katana, gritting her teeth at the sight in front of her.

 “Give up the children! And your death will be quick”

The woman let out a humourless chuckle and stared straight into the eyes of the man responsible for the murder of her clan.

“You are a fool to think I will hand over my children to you. The last of our clan, our hope”

The woman started to make wrapped hand sign as red written started to spread throughout her body. The blood from her friends and family started to surround her forming a cyclone around her. A shield to her and her children, as the men tried to attach her.

“I know, I will die along with everyone else but I will not let our sacrifice be in vain!”

The blue hair child looked up to the woman, tears welling up in eyes. Covering her baby sister eyes, making sure that her sister will not to become frighten from the view before her.

“Kaa-san, please don’t do that jutsu. I don’t want you to... die. Please”

The woman turned to her children and smiled. Even though blood was starting to pour from her eyes and nose.

“Hiromo, I'm sending you to place where you will be safe.  Protect Emiko, your sister. When you’re both old enough, you will return. I will seal your memories. When you’re older, you’ll start to remember...”

The woman started to cough as more blood started to leak from her body joining the blood cyclone. She looked at the stunned enemy before her and smirked.

“You underestimated our clan and me. I will never give my children up to you!!! Tell your master you have failed! *cough* he will never lay his vile fingers on them”

She gives a final look at her children and smiled. A smile containing all the love she had for her children. And start to finish the final hand signs.

“Forbidden jutsu: blood time collapse!!!!”

The blood cyclone began to glow, shinning a light so bright that it can be seen miles a ways. The light surrounded the children, picking them up and carrying them to the sky and rising until they were gone from sight, causing an explosion sending the men surrounding the woman miles away. The woman smiles at the fading light and whispers ‘I will always love you. May the spirits guide you back home one day and protect you’.

10 years later

Emiko point of view

“Emi, wake up!”

I groaned and started muttering some profanities which I pray to god my nee-chan doesn’t hear. Or ill be so screwed ¬¬

“Emiko, if you don’t get up in 5 minute, you’ll seriously regret it!”

“I’m up already, jeez. Someone on their period”

“I dare you to say that to my face, Emi”

“Well I want to live longer, so I don’t think so”

I hear her grunt and walk away from my door. I guess I should explain me and my sister relationship, my sister is my mother figure, best friend and teacher in a way. My parents died when I was very young; making my nee-chan the only family I have left. We ran away from our last foster home, after our ‘foster dad’ tried approaching me to ‘improve’ our ‘connection’. Yeah, my sister didn’t agree with his approach, she did improve his face by making it multicoloured.  Because of that, we are now living on own. Any other foster home we were placed at, it felt like we were intruding into something private; it was their family not mine, my family is me and my sister. Not them! I don’t like it when people think they can intrude on our relationship and say ‘hey I'm your foster parent, do as I say’, my reply to those frauds ‘in your dreams, suckers’. Some, correction, I mean most of our foster parents, were creeps who looked at me and my sister and saw us as ‘exotic’ beauties they want to touch. Perverts -_-. But, they never was able to touch me; nee-chan always protected me, taking punches, slaps, hits from our ‘guardian’, fighting them off when they try to lay a hand on me or her. But, all those protection made her come out with bruises, and it didn’t go well in school either. People would look at my sister call her ‘tramp’ from her dirty worn out clothes. Well sorry to you, bitches if we barely have enough money to eat. They called her ‘shameful’, ‘ugly’, ‘whore’ and so many other words, basically saying my sister was bad news, not knowing the fights my sister took to protect me. Judgemental cows, compared to my sister the worthless cows. If someone slaps them, they cry. Losers!

“Emi, if you not down in five minutes, you’ll be late to school”

Shaking my head, hoping those worthless people would disappear. I quickly got up and quickly had a shower, brushed my teeth and made myself presentable. Walking down the stairs, I see my tired looking sister.  I guess she worked all night at that Bar. One more reason I love my sister, at 18 years old, she’s providing for me and herself.

“I'm off onee-chan. Go back to bed, you worked too hard”

I smiled brightly at her, and grabbed my bag as I started to leave to go to the hell hole called school. Oh joy!

“Emi, come home early today new episode of naruto’s on.”

I giggled, I guess I forgot to mention me and my sister totally loved Naruto. I waved as I exited my house. I can’t wait for school to finish. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>picture of Emiko and hiromo mother

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