chapter 2

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Emiko point of view

I was walking home from the dreadful place known to man existence, school. Holding onto my school bag tightly, making sure that I have easy access to my tanto. You could say the place where I was living was unpredictable. Women were raped constantly, people are killed every second. Children go missing. But no one cares. The police accept money from the criminal and turn a blind eye, saying it was ‘run away’ incident. Because of this, my sister has taught me every fighting style for my safety.  Sigh. Growing up here you learn not to trust anyone or care about anyone. Last time, I trusted someone my sister almost died and I ended up looking like a Dalmatian. The only thing these people cared about is money, no money and you’re basically on your own. Sigh. As I took out my key and opened the door. Something jumped towards me, causing me to fall on the ground as I hear laughter filling the room. I scowl at my laughing sister figure.

“Emi, your face was hilarious”

“Yeh. Yeh, you’re welcome. This is just how I image getting home every day”

“You know it, Emi”

 Sigh. I looked down at a white creature. It looks like a crossbreed between a chiwawa and a cat.

“What this?”

“Its baby fox. I got it for you as a present. Also, I got myself a black cat.”

Pointing down at her feet, where there was a black cat rubbing her leg and purring. Stupid cat, should back the cow off my nee-chan. Or it’s going to be sorry. I glared at the cat, willing it to look at me.

“Emi, don’t you like your gift”

“ wha... Yes of course, it’s so cute”

The stupid cat looked at me and went back to rubbing its head on MY nee-chan. The flipping cat looked so smug when it looked at me. I scowled at the cat; I bent down and picked up my cute little fox.

“What you going to name him. You can’t call it fox”

I looked at the little fox and picked it up, petting it in the purpose.

“I’m going to name you...erm....snow”

“That’s a good name. I think I’ll name her shadow. What ya think, shadow?”

Shadow responded by giving an affectionate purr.

“Ready to watch Naruto, Emi”

“You better believe it!”

Laughing, as we entered the living room

Flash forward 5 hours

“I can’t believe Tobi is that strong and so evil. I really didn’t want Itachi to die but I'm happy he was brought back alive”

“Yeh onee-chan, He is so evil. I hate him and Orochimaru!”

Nee-chan got up and started to walk away, having a worried look on her face. I wonder, what wrongs with her. She was happy a moment ago.


“Emi, grab your bag and put all your important stuff now. Grab your weapon and snow. Something’s wrong!!”

I ran upstairs as fast as I could and grabbed everything I could and picked up my silver katana. I quickly grabbed some photos of me and my sister. I was wearing shinny jeans and put on my favourite sleeveless hoodie, putting snow inside my hoodie as I zipped it up. I grabbed my necklace which was the only thing me and my sister have from our parent. Both necklaces were of an eye, my necklace iris was purple while nee-chan was green. I ran downstairs and put on my black combat booties. Seeing nee-chan with a bag and have shadow sticking its head out of her hoodie as well. She was wearing black long-sleeves hoodie which covered her fingers. She wore black legging under her blue shorts. And just like me, she was wearing combat shoes and was wearing her necklace.

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