chapter 5

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Hiromo point of view

I was walking the streets of Konoha after going to Kakashi house and let me tell you something, for a Jounin ninja who is skilled at Fire jutsu, how on hell can’t he light a stove or make a simple meal. I mean he can do A-rank jutsu and be able to mould chakra so why on earth can’t he cook. I mean with all the hand signs and ninja stuff, you will expect him to know how to make at least toast. -_-!! . So now I'm grocery shopping since Kakashi doesn’t know the difference between vegetable and fruits.

As passed an alleyway I couldn’t help but notice a boy hunched over, using his hands to cover his face. I slowly walked toward the boy noticing his dirty blond hair and bruises covering his body

“Hey, are you okay?”

The boy slowly looked at me and looked away quickly. I smiled reassuringly and I reached down willed myself to heal him. My hands began to glow blue and my hair sway in the wind. All the bruises and gush slowly healed causing me to smile. I helped to boy to his feet

“Thanks Lady. My name is Naruto, Believe it!!!”

“Well Naruto, My name is Hiromo. Why don’t I take you to ramen and you can tell me what happened to you”

“Really?! Thank you Hiromo-san”

I smiled and walk away with Naruto chatting away.

Flash-forward at Kakashi House

“Emiko, Kakashi. I’m Home”

“Hiromo, Lord Hokage said you will be present for graduation exam”

 “Okay. Erm Kakashi thanks for letting me and Emiko stay at your house. where are we going to be sleeping”

I could see Kakashi face slowly turn red and scratch his neck awkwardly.

“The spare room only has a single bed so Emiko could sleep there while you take my room and I take the couch”

“Why not just share the bed?”

“I don’t think it would be wise. I mean you’re female and I’m male, one of us might push for something intimate”. Kakashi said looking away. I chuckled at the sight

Kakashi Point of view

Hiromo just looked at the couch distastefully before looking at me, smirking. Before I could react, her Kekkai Genkai activated and the blue/purple chakra energy pushed me to the wall, keeping me in place. She slowly walked towards me; I couldn’t help but notice how her hips sway. I gulped and started to struggled even though I knew it was useless. Hell, a part of me didn’t want to struggle. With this thought in mind, I feel the heat rushing to my face.

As she leaned forward towards me the energy intensified. I couldn’t help but get lost in her eyes. Her hand caressed my cheek, as she kissed my lips though my mask. Sometime I love and hate my mask; right now I don’t know which right now.

“Hiromo, are you home?!” yelled Emiko

Hiromo just ignored Emiko yells and slowly pulled my mask down while looking into my eyes. I couldn’t help but grasp for air, trying to calm my mind and nerve.


She silently me by brushing her lips against mined as a warning, before leaning toward my ears and whispered

“Kakashi, I won’t attack you in your sleep. If I wanted to violate you, I could have easily. I can protect myself. So don’t worry. You’re not sleeping on the sofa. We’re sharing the bed”

 And just like that, she let me go and walked off, chuckling at my state. I kept grasping for air, trying to clear my mind of all the images of her. >////<


I went into Emiko room and closed her door quietly before sliding down. My face was red as a tomato. I can’t believe I did that to Kakashi. I started to bang my head on the walls, thinking of an excuse I could make up to tell Kakashi.

“Nee-chan, you okay?”

I looked at Emiko and just nodded. I’ll just blame my action on Hormone, yes repressed teenage hormones. Being 19 still counts as a teenager, right? Sigh

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2012 ⏰

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