chapter 4

157 4 3

Hiromo point of view

As soon I was released from the hospital, Kakashi grab me and Emi arms and teleported us to the Hokage office. I looked around seeing that 10 anbu in the office staring and analysing our every move. Ibiki was next to the Hokage giving us a sadistic smile. We are soooo going to die T^T

“erm... Hi lord hoka...”

“Hey dude, can I have your mask”

I looked at Emiko as she tried stealing one of the bloody Anbu mask. Dude come on, if you’re going to steal, don’t steal from the freaking anbu. I looked at the wall completely ignoring her. I wonder how much force I need to hit my head on the wall to knock myself out.

“Dude! Let go of your mask! Come on, give me the mask!”

Third Hokage point of view

As I looked at the two girls, the eldest look around nervously before looking at me and give me a slight wave.

“erm...Hi lord hok...”

She never got to finish her sentence, since the younger sister flashed in front of an anbu and tried grab his masked.

“Hey dude, can I have your mask”

‘how on earth, did this girl move so fast’, I raised my hand, showing the anbu not to intervene. I looked at the eldest sister, she just looked at the wall as if it is the most interesting thing, completely ignoring her sister actions. I couldn’t help but smile at the girls’ behaviour.

“Dude! Let go of your mask! Come on, give me the mask!”

The pink head was about to tackle the anbu when light blue chakra energy with a tint of light green, grabbed the pink head and dragged her toward her sister.  

Hiromo point of view

After grabbing my stupid sister with this strange energy, I smacked her on the head. I looked down at her giving a look which basically said shut up. I smiled sheepishly at the Hokage and he just chuckled at me. Weird old man

“Hello, lord Hokage. My name is Hiromo Mizeshima and that idiot behind me is my sister, Emiko Mizeshima”

Everyone gasped as they heard our last name. I raised my eyebrow at the Hokage. Emiko jumped up and shouted, “what?! Why you gasping for? Tell me!”

I smacked her on the head, trying to tone down her behaviour.

“Emiko and Hiromo, the Mizeshima clan was destroyed 10 years ago by unknown group of ninjas. Everyone was believed to die except for the two head of clan daughters. Meaning you and Emiko are the last of your clan”

The Hokage looked at us sympathetically. I looked down and suddenly anger consumed me. How dare he give us the pity treatment? Unknown group?! Bullshit. I know what the village leaders made Itachi do to his clan. He must know! He got to be lying. No one just kills a whole clan without leaving a single piece of evidence. As my anger at the Hokage and village rise, the blue and green energy surrounds me, increases burning anybody that come near me. Emiko was only person unaffected by energy.

“What do you mean, by an unknown ?!”

The Hokage looked at me calmly even though they were hint of fear in his eyes. He just have to know something!

“Hiromo calm down. By the time we arrived at your village, all your clansman had died...”

“I know that already, I know what destroyed means and i know what last means as well. Do not insult my intelligence”

Ibiki stepped forward and raised his kunai at me

“You damn brat, this is the lord Hokage you’re speaking too! You’re just nothing but a little girl throwing a tantrum”

I looked at Ibiki and the energy surrounded him, it slams him against the ground with each word I spoke.

“You do not know me and what I have been through! I do know who I am speaking to”

A hand touched my shoulder; I turned around about to burn the person who touched to crisp. I stopped when I saw it was Kakashi. He give me a closed eye smile, “Hiro, calm down please. It’s okay”.

He wrapped his arm around me, whispering soothing words. My chakra energy started to disappear and I looked in his visible eyes, giving him a faint smile.

“nee-chan, you okay?”

I looked down at Emi and smiled. I nodded at her, before looking at the Hokage.

“I’m sorry for overreacting. But how could you not know who is responsible for my clan death”

The Hokage sighed, nodded at the anbu to take Ibiki away and looked at me.

“When you clan was attacked, your clan were outnumber 5 to 1. Even with that ratio, your clan destroyed all of your enemies. However, their energy and chakra was drained. So when actual leader of the attack approached. They had no strength to defend themselves. When we finally got to your clan village, everyone was dead and we unmasked the ninja who attacked the your clan, the men was faceless. Leaving us no clues on who was responsible”

I just looked down and wrapped my hands over Emiko. As she was silently crying at the news, i wiped her tears before looking back at the Hokage.

“Thanks for telling us the truth, lord Hokage. But why did they attack?”

“Child, I’m sorry but no one knows. Your clan was strong ally to us and strong Kekkai Genkai but you were a peaceful people. I should be one who apologize, I was unhelpful to you and your sister”

“You did your best”

 “Emiko and Hiromo, why don’t you stay in hidden leaf village and become ninjas, Emiko you could join the ninja academy, while Hiromo you could study under Kakashi”

I looked at the Hokage and smiled. I nodded while Emiko jumped around, screaming hell yeah. I laughed at her silly behaviour.

“Erm...Hokage we have nowhere to go”

“Don’t worry, i have arranged for you and Emiko to stay with Kakashi”

I smiled and said my thanks. Leaving with Kakashi and Emiko. 

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