chapter 3

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Emiko point of view

A tingly feeling started to travel through my body, as my heart started to feel content as if I'm finally home. I opened my eyes slowly, blinking away my tirednesss. I looked around seeing...trees and more trees. What the hell? I tried to remember how I got here and what happened.  Nee-chan! She was hurt by those thugs. My heart literally stopped beating as I looked for my nee-chan.  I couldn’t see  her anywhere. Panicking, I started to run in random direction, shouting her name. Snow jumped out my hoodie, running forward. He stops and look toward me as if telling me to follow him/ I ran toward the direction he went and saw my sister on the ground bleeding with two guys standing infront of her. Shadow was hissing at the two guys as they approached my sister.  The first guy had silver hair and most of his face was covered; the second guy was dressed in green jumpsuit. I quickly grabbed my Katana and charged toward the guys. I used my Katana sheath to smack the green jumpsuit guy across the face, making him skid backwards into a tree. Then I tried using my Katana to slash the guy but he jumped back, avoiding my Katana.

"Take one step toward my Nee-chan, and I will kill you!!!”

Mystery point of view

I and Gai were coming back from A-rank mission that the Hokage assign us. We were only 20 minutes away from Konoha, when suddenly a blue and purple light was falling from the sky toward the forest, slowing down as it approached the ground.  The light started the glow brighter as it descending cross to the ground. It sending a gush of wind throughout the forest before it finally started to fade. I looked at Gai before running toward the direction of the crash with Gai following me. When we finally reached our destination, there was a beautiful blue hair girl about 18 years old on the ground bleeding from a stomach wound. There was a bloody Katana next to her and a small bag. Guy started walking toward the girl with me following behind, when a black cat jumped in front of me, hissing at us as if telling us to back away from its master. A pink hair girl with sapphire eyes jumped in front of us, using her Katana sheath to smack the shocked Guy across the face, sending him skidding toward to a tree. She tried to slash me with a Katana but I avoided her attack by Jumping away at the last minute. This girl was definitely something, approaching two Jounin without being notice. She stands protectively over the unconscious blue hair girl.

"Take one step toward my Nee-chan, and I will kill you!!!”

A mixture of blue and with a small tint of dark pink coloured type of energy started to seep through her body, surrounding her like armour. The energy started to surround her katana, making the blade looking like it covered in flames.  Her body shaking with anger, as her hair started to flow with the energy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

 “If you think that you’re going to hurt my sister...”

The energy around her started to expand and shrink with each word as if it was a heartbeat, sending a gush of wind with each word.

“...then you have another thing coming so BACK OFF!!!”

 As she screamed, the energy is released slamming me and Guy into a tree, holding us in place. The pink-head walked toward us, blue energy making crackling sound with each step she took. Her eye’s started to glow as she looked at us. She raised her hand and started to tighten her fist and I felt my throat tighten. I gasped for air; I looked over seeing the Guy doing the same thing.

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