To be a Sith/Jedi

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~One month later~

Sabine: I can't believe it's been a month since you joined us.

Ezra: And jedi training is going good, but I can't seem focus. I wish to know how to be a jedi. Like how I learned about the sith. Why can't it be easy?

Sabine: But it is easy. Look, to be a jedi is to know the right time to fight and when not to fight. You must fight for the right side. Don't kill, don't show anger. Forget the past, let go, and keep moving on. And most importantly: don't try to be the best of the best.

Ezra: But I want to be the best. I want to destroy the empire.

Sabine: No. Ezra, don't show your dark emotions. You must know how and when to attack. Plan everything out the right the way. Don't kill for revenge. Don't use your lightsaber as a first choice.

Ezra: That's gonna take some getting used to.

Sabine: It's okay...if you just focus.

Ezra: You don't focus as much when you're on the dark side. You just need your anger to give you power.

Sabine: I always wanted to know the ways of the dark side, so I can understand the way the sith think. That way I could know how to fight them and what to expect.

Ezra: You wouldn't want to know. It's easy to be a Sith, but hard to follow orders.

Sabine: Really?

Ezra: Yes. A Sith knows to attack and fight for the dark side. They keep on fighting, kill all they want and anyone in their way gets killed. They use anger for strength and always come out on top.

Sabine: I want to study them, not turn evil.

Ezra: Why do you think I hate them? Please, can you help me understand?

Sabine: Of course, if you help me.

Ezra: Yes. Just focus.

Sabine: To be a Sith...

Ezra: To be a Jedi...

Kanan: Guys, inside now!

Both: Is to follow Kanan's rules!

~The next day~

Kanan: Sabine, why aren't you focused today?

Sabine: I don't know. I guess I've been distracted lately.

Kanan: Well, focus because you have a test tomorrow.

Sabine: Yes master.

Kanan: Go get Ezra. Your training is done for today.

Sabine: Sure.

Sabine P.O.V
I went into the ship to get Ezra but he wasn't there. I checked the rooms and there he was at his.

Sabine: Why so sad Ez?

Ezra: I feel like killing someone.

Sabine: What? Why would you do that?

Ezra: Because I want to. Please, run.

Sabine: Why? I'm not leaving you like this.

Ezra: I don't know why but I feel like killing you. Please run.

Sabine: No.

Ezra: Then you left me no choice.

Kanan P.O.V
Sabine never came back. Ezra didn't go to training, so I went to find them. Everything was quite so I went to see Hera.

Hera: Don't tell me. He didn't go to practice again?

Kanan: Do you know where they are?

Hera: No. I think they might be in Ezra's room.

~From the room~

Sabine: Ezra, stop.

Ezra: I can't. You know I can't control it.

Kanan: Sabine's in trouble.

We made our way to Ezra's room but what we found weren't screams of fear but screams of laughter.

Sabine: Ezra, stop. I can't breath.

Ezra: Will you leave?

Sabine: No.

Ezra: Then the tickle fight will continue.

Sabine: No, stop. I'll leave.

Ezra: Good and tell Kanan that...

Kanan: Tell me what?

Ezra: Oh, master. I was just heading out.

Sabine: You know it been 15 minutes right?

Kanan: She right. You need to take training seriously.

Ezra: I'm am, I'm trying.

Kanan: There is no try.

Sabine: Ezra's in trouble.

Ezra: Fine. Give me today off and I'll train double tomorrow.

Kanan: You better be there.

Ezra: Thank you master. Sabine?

Ezra looked at Sabine like if it was some kind of plan. I knew what they were planning.

Sabine: Get him!

Both: To be a force user means to have a TICKLE WAR!!!

Kanan: Ahhhhh!

That was the moment I ran out of the room and out of the ship.

Hera: Have fun you 3.

Kanan: Hera!? Help me!

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