The Announcment

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Danielle's POV

I woke up at 7:30am. "OH NO!" I yelled, I'd over slept by an hour! "Stupid alarm clock!" I grumbled.

"Danielle Mae Asquith! You better be up!" my mum yelled from the landing.

"Yeah mum, of course. I'm just............texting........Kylie. Yeah, texting Kylie." I yelled back

"mmm" mumbled mum.

I stumbled all over my room struggling to get into my (awful) uniform. I only had 15mins before I had to be out the door on my way to school. I got my uniform on and my hair done in less that 5mins, new record. I ran down the stairs nearly tripping on my brothers shoes.

I walked into the kitchen calmly, like I hadn't just woken up. My mum handed me my lunch and told me to take £1 out of her purse to buy a coke at lunch. It was only 7:40am yet I still said bye to my parents and my little brother Josh before leaving the kitchen.

I unlocked the front door and put on my hoodie then blazer, threw my school bag over my shoulder (containing my lunch), plugged in my headphones and left. I was walking along to meet Athena when Liam jumped out from down a side street. "You scared me half to death!" I told him.

"Awww! only half, I'll have to try harder next time!" he laughed and I punched him (playfully) in the arm. We got to the corner at the bottom of the bridge where I always meet Athena and usually Kyle for that matter. And not a minute later Athena and Kyle came swanning up to us, hand in hand. We all greeted each other and began walking. Even though me and Liam were together and Athena and Kyle were also an item, Me and Athena walked about 5 metres in front of the lads. We began gossiping, as always. We walked round the corner and we crossed a street, suddenly a car came hurtling towards us and I couldn't move, my whole body froze. Suddenly I went flying and a body was on top of me. I was just about to thank whoever it was when he got up, brushed himself off and scurried away. Liam helped me up and we carried on walking. We arrived at school and we all went to my form room. Emma, Kylie and Lucas(Rachelle's bf and one of our bff's) were already there. We walked in and we all got talking. Just then our form teacher Mr McGuiness walk in and sent the others out. So it was just me, Emma and Kylie left. I got out my books and sir took the register. Rochelle came rushing in whilst sir was half way through the register. He gave her a look that said it all and Rochelle just looked disappointed and muttered "Sorry sir." She got out her books and sat down. We all sniggered. Mr McGuiness carried on with the register. He finished it and we all left for assembly.

"Please stand." we all stood like we always do when there's an assembly.

"Good morning. Please sit down." We also did that like we did every assembly.

Our head mistress read out the notices which I never really listened to. "Could Danielle Asquith, Emma Jenkins, Kylie Jones, Rachelle Drew and Athena Gregfeney please see me after this assembly and be excused from their first lesson." I started panicking, a million reasons rushing through my head as to why the head mistress would call me to her office. Everyone was staring at us 5. We all stared at each other with questioning looks. We sat through the rest of the assembly in silence. We usually make jokes, talk and snigger, but this time was different. The assembly finished in less than 5mins but it felt like 5yrs. We all walked down to the head mistresses office together. I knocked on the door even though I was shaking.


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