A Grin None The Less!

32 1 6

Kylie's POV

We all made our way to our form room!! We all sat on a row of five in the order Rachelle, Emma, me, Danielle, Athena. Our teacher came in. He was a medium height, chubby man on the wrong side of 40. He had grey/brown hair and grey/brown stubble. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a navy blue tie. He sat down at his desk, took out his glasses and spoke, "Morning kids! Well aren't you lot a lucky bunch?" he asked, a bit too enthusiastically. "You've got me for form teacher!" he had a Birmingham accent with a bit of a Welsh one in there. He took out an iPad And started clicking away ferociously at it. He said he wad going to take the register and he did. We all called "Here Sir!" or "Yes Sir!" when he said our names.

"Right then, I am Mr Jansey and I teach maths and I'm, obviously your form teacher."

He handed out our locker keys (locked lined the far right wall). Me, Danielle and Rachelle had top lockers then Emma and Athena had bottom ones.

"These are your planners which you should write ALL homework in. Your calendars containing all important school events and their dates. And also your lesson orders for each day, its a seven day timetable and I hope you all understand what that means." he said as he handed out our new things. I shoved my planner and calendar in my bag whilst I kept my timetable out to study. You now have 5minutes to talk to your friends then we'll be doing something very special," Mr Jansey sed with a menacing grin on his face.

"What do you guys have?" I asked.

Everyone scribbled their names on their timetables and put them on my desk. We all studied them, they were virtually the same except out maths classes and our languages. Me and Rachelle had the same maths class and the other 3 were together. Me and Emma had French when Athena and Rachelle had German and at the same time as our language, Danielle had Spanish, then Danielle had German when the rest of us had Spanish. I felt bad because Danielle had both of her languages alone whereas we always had one person with us.

"Aaaaaand back in the room," Sir said.

"Didnt know we left!" Dani whispered and we sniggered.

"For that something special, You're all going to give a talk, just talk about yourself!" he said.

"We'll go in alphabetical order which means-----" he started to say but was cut off by Dani groaning, shes always and I mean ALWAYS first!!

She stood up and climbed up onto the small platform at the front of the classroom.

"Hi, I'm Danielle Asquith, I'm 15 I was born on the 15th of September 1998. I am a tomboy, i hate girly stuff! My favourite colour is blue, I have bluey-greeny eyes and brown hair. My fave animal is a monkey, and I have 8 pets and my fave dogs are: Spaniel, Labrador and Retriever. My fave TV shows are Doctor Who, Sherlock and NCIS and I am obsessed with hem all. I'm also obsessed with David Tennant and Benedict Cumberbatch!! I have a little brother called Joshua who's disabled, and my parents are Melissa and Phillip who live back at home, in East Yorkshire, England. I have 2 middle names, Mae Catey so altogether its Danielle Mae Catey Asquith. When I grow up, I reallllllllly wanna be a lawyer, its my dream job! I----"

"Times up! Sit down!"

We went through the next three people. Next it was Emma.

"Sup peeps! I'm Emma Mia Jenkins, I'm also 15 but my b-day is the 18th of January 1999. My favourite colours are blue and orange, my fave animals are a giraffe's and koala's. I have an older brother and a Lil sis! My parents are old and in their 40's lol. I am a single Pringle who likes to mingle. My favourite subject are: Art, Drama and PE. My favourite celebs are Channing Tatum and Taylor Lautner. I have mousy brown hair and blue eyes. I personally would personally class myself as a tomboy and a girly girl, I'm a bit of both I'd say."

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