#Sorry Not Sorry

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Kylie's POV

Second week back and we were already sick of it! It got to Saturday and we were all bored. I had an idea to prank the others as it would give me something to do. I texted all the guys and they agreed to take the girls out for a while and to not tell them about the plan. they said they'd come round in two hours.

So I had an excuse to stay behind, I started sneezing and I pretended to throw up. When the girls asked me if I was okay, I told them I felt really ill. I got a thermometer and put it on my lamp so it would get hot. When Danielle came back in the room with some soup, she took the thermometer out of my mouth and read it.

After that, I pretended to have a nap and when the lads came over, I woke up.

"Hey girls!" winked Jake.

"Wanna go out on a date?" asked Carwyn.

"But individual ones this time," added Jason.

"Oh, we'd love to," Athena started.

"But Kylie's sick and we can't leave her!" finished Rachelle.

"Nonsense!" I coughed. "Honestly go, I'll just sleep!"

"You sure?" asked Emma.

I nodded and they quickly got changed. Emma wore a pinky-red strapless top, some blue light wash jeans and some black pumps. Rachelle wore a grey and white stripy top, some black leather trousers, some grey vans and a white beany. Athena wore a light blue tank top, light blue shawl, denim shorts and her brown ankle boots. Danielle wore a pink silk shirt type top, white ripped jeans, pink high tops and her leather jacket.

They all left and I ripped off my covers and got to work. I got some flour and put it in Athena's hairdryer. I got crushed up blueberry paste and put it in our 3 toothpaste tubes (this will make their teeth blue!). I got hair growth cream and out it in Rachelle's shaving cream (she was due to shave tonight). I got our half full ketchup bottle and made sure the ketchup filled the tip of the bottle, then I put 3 tablespoons of baking soda in (this will make it explode when opened). I also got some buckets full of water and hid them from them, I was going to place their hands in the water over night, make them wet the bed and then hid the buckets again so they wouldn't know it was an accident. I also made some signs saying "Slap my butt for sex" , "I'm going commando! ;)" and "I have a bladder problem so don't stare!" . I was going to stick them to chairs later. I put green food dye and put it in Emma's shampoo and got pink and put it in Danielle's. I also put itching powder on the toilet rolls in both bathrooms. I also put all of their underwear in the mini freezer we had.

Ryan texted me saying they were all about to walk in the main gates. I jumped into bed and pretended to be asleep. Not 15minutes later did they all walk through the door. The girls all said goodbye to their boyfriends and Jason and I talked for a while. It got to half 9 and I told him he should go. He wished me luck with the pranks, kissed my cheek and left.

I told Emma how I was feeling better and she re-took my temperature, I made sure it was still higher than usual but only by less than 10 degrees. I said I wanted hotdogs so Daniell and Emma went and bought them. Whilst they were gone, I chose my victim. Dani! When they got back I asked Danielle if she's put some ketchup on mine whilst I went to the bathroom. Really I just walked in the room, stood in the doorway and filmed it.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" she screamed, whilst the others laughed. I quickly put my phone away and ran out the bathroom all innocently.

"What's the ma----- oh! Ahahahaha!!!!" I laughed.

She went into the bathroom and went to get a shower. When she came out she had a towel around her hair. She got dressed and then came back through and sat on her bed. She flicked through her phone and hen took the towel off.

We all just burst out laughing and Danielle looked at us, clearly puzzled. She ran to the bathroom mirror and then screamed. She had fluorescent pink hair (she hates the colour pink!). We carried on laughing. Then Rachelle went to get a shower.

"Best make sure I don't use your shampoo Dani!" Rachelle said.

Danielle just gave her what we called "The Look!". Rachelle walked in the bathroom and then came out 20minutes later with legs that looked silly smooth...well...not for long!! Then Emma got a shower. She ran out with green hair and we all laughed.

"Stop ot guys, its NOT FUNNY!" she bellowed.

"Really?" I questioned. "Because it sue looks like it!" I said.

"Not nice is it?" Danielle said.

Then Athena got a shower and didnt wash her hair, just incase. She walked upto her bed with her hairdryer. I subtly managed to film it. She switched on he hairdryer and then flour covered her head!

"New look Athena?" Dani asked.

""Your one to talk!" she said back.

She walked back into the bathroom and cleaned her self up a bit. She then preceded to brush her teeth. She ran out (once again I was filming!). She had blue teeth and lips and we all giggled. I went to do my teeth, although I didn't really.

"Must have just been unlucky that you picked that toothpaste today Athena!" I said.

Rachelle then went to the bathroom. She came back out scratching her butt. She continued to do so ferociously. I filmed her whilst she had her back to me and then when she turned around so you could tell it was her. We all laughed and she went and washed the powder off.

We all decided to go to sleep. It was now 11pm. By 2:00am, they were all asleep. I knew Dani was a light sleeper (as was I) so I decided to put everyone but hers hands into the buckets of water. I decided to go to sleep. At 5am I got up and moved the buckets so they wouldn't known it was a prank.

I woke up at 9am and Rachelle was stripping her bed. I got up and asked her what she was doing.

"Nothing!"she said quickly.

"I know you wet the bed!" I said quietly.


"Because I can see the mark from here!" I said quietly.

Gradually the others woke up and had the same reaction as Rachelle. Eventually ai came clean and said how it was me who pulled all the pranks. Emma and Danielle managed to get the dye out, after 6 showers each! I felt bad, but it was funny and kept my occupied. I kept the videos for future reference.

They were really mad at me, but hey! YOLO and they would survive it. #sorrynotsorry was my motto, #sorrynotsorry

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