Banner, Rosalinda141

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The day has finally come
Now I can say that it's over and done
Because nothing can do so much
To something so untouched
But then could you
Be the one that's waiting for me? Yeah

I'm gonna live it up tonight; brush away all the parasites
I won't be left with nothing to lose
One thing I have become today; another rampant run-away
In search of something that was never there in you

I want somebody, someone new

~New, Dommin~

@Rosalinda141, aquí tienes tu banner, espero que te guste

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

@Rosalinda141, aquí tienes tu banner, espero que te guste. Rosas, colores claros, una máquina de escribir, creo que plasmé tu idea decentemente xD. Te envío el link para descargarlo por mensaje.

Dany se despide \:v/

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