Separador, Chat_Sama

476 71 3

I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time
And every creature lends themselves to change your state of mind
And the girl that chased the rabbit, drank the wine, and took the pill
Has locked herself in limbo to see how it truly feels

To stand outside your virtue
No one can ever hurt you
Or so they say

Her name is Alice
She crawls into the window
Through shapes and shadows
And even though she's dreaming, she knows

~Her Name is Alice, Shinedown~

@Chat_Sama, aquí tienes tu separador

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

@Chat_Sama, aquí tienes tu separador. No me termina de convencer del todo, pero ya saben cómo soy xD Dime si es que lo quieres más ancho, o alto, o lo que sea (?)

Te mando el link para descargarlo por mensaje.

Bai \:v/

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