I'm a suspect

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When Michael had woken up on Saturday morning, his mother was already gone.

God knows where.

But he didn't want to pressure her.

She'll let you in when she is ready, Michael.

But, when will she be ready?
Will she ever be ready?

after 30 minutes of scrolling through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. He decided it was time to get up from bed.
Even though his social life was dead, his social media accounts weren't.
He and Chuck had a blog together, they would talk about whatever they were obsessing about at the time. Thee era, they named it.
They had a lot of readers, people were actually interested in what they both had to say.
That's from where he got his 3218 followers on IG.
Chuck had 2730.

He hops out of bed and walks to the bathroom, washes his face and looks at himself in the mirror, black hair as usual, a bit messy.
Dark grey eyes.
He still had his dimples and jawline.
He looked the same.
But while he looked the same, he looked very, very different.
Tired, and in need for sleep.

He brushes his teeth, and takes a fast shower then heads down to the kitchen.
He opens up the fridge,
Now, what do I eat. Hardest decision ever.
He decides to make grilled cheese.
While he pours himself some water, the door bell rings.
As he approached the door, he could see two men on the porch.
He unlocked the door and opened it, the policeman looked up, he has dark blue eyes and black hair.
He is so tall, Michael thought.
"May we come in?" says the cop.
"Yes, sure."

Michael leads the policemen into the living room as they introduce themselves.
"I'm detective Shepard," says the tall one.
"I'm Stewart," says the other guy, he was short, or maybe just looked short because Shepard was tall, he was chubby and had orange hair.
"What's going on, sir?" Michael asks. "Did something happen to my mother?"He was worried.

Why would the cops be here? God, is mom okay??
Oh, what if she had a panic attack again, or passed out?

"When did you last see her?" Shepard asks then says quickly "I mean isn't she home?"

When did you last see her. They only say that when her is dead.
Are you serious, Shepard dumb-ass, you had me freaked out for a second.

"No, she isn't."
"Do you mind us asking a few questions?"
"Is something wrong?"
"Do you mind?" he insists, looking at him.
It felt as if both of them were watching him closely, intensely.
"No, go ahead."
"You have heard about the rape cases, right?" Shepard asks.
"Of course,"
"Can you tell us where you were when each and every case happened?"
"What?" Michael asks. "Why?"
Stewart makes a note in his dark green notepad.
"Answer the question."
"No, I can't" he says "because I don't know when they happened in the first place."
"When were you last night at 12 am?"
"On my way home."
"From where?"
"What's going on?" He tried to change the subject. Supposedly not wanting to get Emma in trouble.
"Just answer the question." his eyes studied Michael.
"From my friends house."
"What's your friends name?"
"Emma King."
"How long did you stay there?"
"I don't know," Michael says, thinking "maybe, an hour or more."
"When did you get home?"
"Oh, I don't know... Twelve thirty."
Stewart is writing in his notepad.
"Can I please ask, what is going on here?" Michael says
"Just answer our questions, kid."
"Maybe, I won't."
"Are refusing to cooperate with the police?"
"No, of course not, I just want to know what the hell is going on!" Michael was getting angry.
Stewart notes something while Shepard says "you have bad temper kid."
"Well, you come into my house, Saturday morning, I'm just a kid and you freak the hell out of me," says Michael "what do you expect?"
"Not much."
"Okay kid, I myself don't believe it."
"Believe what?"
"Someone tipped us," says Shepard "about the rape case."
"About who could be the rapist..."
"And??" Michael could hear his heart pounding against his chest.
"They said it was you."
"I'm being accused of raping girls and stabbing them?"
Shepard opens his mouth but Michael stops him. "Teenagers have bad habits, mine is...was motorcycle, yours might've been smoking."
"What's your point, kid?"
"My point is, no teenager has the habit of raping then murdering several women."
Michael says. "You are wasting time here," he raises his voice. "Instead of, looking for the real psychopath, you are accusing me." He shakes his head.
"Kid, I'm only doing my job," Shepard says "and relax, no one is accusing you of anything, so be a good boy and don't waste my time."
"Are you right or left handed?" Asks Stewart.
"Right," Michael says "why? Is the murderer left or right handed?"
Stewart writes something else.
Shepard ignores him.
"Your mother was raped, wasn't she?" Says Shepard.
"Oh, I see what this is about," says Michael "you think because my mother was raped, and I suffered of it, that I'll go around and rape girls," he says sarcastically, disgusted.
"Oh, and stab them too," he adds
"That's what the tipper said."
"Who is he anyways?"
"We don't know."
"You don't know or you don't want to tell me?"
"does it matter? But, no we really don't know."
"Do you want to? are you trying to find out who is accusing me of this?"
"No, but do you have someone in mind?"

Sure, nobody liked him at school, some thought he was a freak loner and a loser, but no one could do that.
Nobody hated him like that.

"No, sir"
The door opens. His mother walks in
"What is going on?" she asks shocked.
"I hope you don't mind us talking to your kid." Shepard says
"What were you talking about?" she asks
"well, somebody tipped us about the rape case, we thought we could find a lead, so we stopped by." Shepard was acting weird
"What did they tip you?" she asks
"They said it was your son." He says too quickly then adds. "But we don't always believe tippers."
"You come into my house, interrogate my minor son without a gurdian precense, and accuse him of such thing" she says. Her voice rising "How dare you."
"We're sorry ma'am, but he had no problem." Stewart says.
"Of course he didn't, he is just a child, and you knew it and used that." she says "is he a suspect?"

Suspect. What. No way.

"Everyone is a suspect at this point" says Shepard.
"Get out of my house!" she points at the door. "Now," she says firmly.
As soon as they shut the door behind them, she hurries and hugs Michael "I'm so sorry, honey."
"I'm fine, really."
"Why did they think that?, who would accuse you of such thing?"

He didn't want to hurt her. He didn't want to make her feel guilty for this.
But, he couldn't lie, not about something this serious.

"They think because you were raped that I..."
"Don't finish it, sweetie," she says.
"I'll call mark if they ever come again," she says.
"Wait, how did they know I was raped?"
"I don't know."
"Did you tell anyone?"
"Are you sure? Whoever you told must be the tipper!" She says. "Think baby."
"I... Never told anyone mom."

Emma. I told Emma. I told her the night before the police called me a suspect.
I'm a suspect now, great.

"I'm going to sleep."
"Okay," she says while she sits down.

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