Crying mess

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You know there is a point in every girl's life when she wants to choke the living hell out of someone.
For me that is every time I'm in a one mile radius of Zac Shepard.
Unfortunately, I have to face him today, and tomorrow. And probably for the rest of my life if I don't solve this damn case.
Please, kill me already.
"You still think a 17 year old is that smart to rape and kill without leaving evidence?" Shepard asks
Anyways, why doesn't he think that Michael could do it?
It's not like I'm being delusional.
I've been on so many cases, read so many cases and heard about so many cases from my father.
That's why I think he can do it.
"Yes" I roll my eyes while we walk into the PD building.
Yes we, as in he and I walking in together.
You see, I have a very bad luck that I ran into him on my way here.
"Good morning, Chloe" he says to the IT girl who I met on my first day here.
"Oh, hey Lisa what're you doing here" he asks a blonde girl that I've never seen before.
"," she looks around "here for someone"
"I found her in your office" says Chloe
"Yeah,well um I wanted to say hi" says Lisa
"Who are you here for?"
"I have a date," she says "well hi. nice to see you again, gotta go" she walks away.
They must've been a thing.
She was too embarrassed and weird.
"Let's go into the the office" Shepard says.

"So, you still think that Michael, a teenager could do all of this without leaving evidence behind?"
Shepard asks again, while reading some papers.
It's my office paper day.
Our day. Ugh.
"You just asked me this 30 minutes ago." I say
"I think someone is helping him." I say
"But, who would benefit from it?"
"His mother maybe?"
"No way," he laughs "Marlene wouldn't"
"Marlene?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah, um, she and I"
"Slept together" I finish his sentence and shake my head "of course" I smile.
"Look, I know her, if someone is helping him it's not her"
"You're emotionally involved"
"You slept with her, you can't actually set here and tell me that isn't clouding your judgement," I say "honestly, maybe you shouldn't be on this case at all"
Yes. Please. He shouldn't.
"Don't play this card with me," he says intensely "look at yourself, don't you think I heard?"
"Don't you dare say her name" my voice is shaking.
Shit. He can't see me like this.
Afraid and so little.
"Don't you think I heard how you are drowning yourself with work to find who killed her?" His voice is getting higher "I heard about that and all about how you want to find the person to blame, but Emily there is no one to blame. It was an accident"
"No, it wasn't" my sight gets blurry. I can't see clearly.
I can't cry in front of him.
In front of Shepard.
The man I hate the most.
"It was Ems, she fell and she died"
"No" I cry it rather than say it.
He walks closer to me.
"If you want to blame someone, blame me but don't do this to yourself"
I shake my head "no, I owe it to her to find who killed her."
I'm lost, and I forgot how to breath.
"Only because we both kissed years ago, doesn't mean you have to go crazy to find a killer that doesn't exist"
I'm speechless. I have nothing to say.
I can't face myself and I sure as hell cannot face him.
And I hate myself for this but, the guy I see in front of me is the same one I went with to the police academy.
The guy I fell for and kissed, not the guy that has dated my sister in high school and has always bullied me.
Not the guy that kissed me then told my sister I kissed him and that he didn't kiss me back.
It is said that we have no control over our own hearts.
Romance can make the heart pound just like a panic attack can.
Science has proven that.
So why am I still blaming myself for secretly, deep down having feelings for Zac Shepard?
I only see the man I love. Loved i tell myself.
And I hate myself for this.
Amanda must hate me at the moment too, if it's true that the dead can see us.
And I'm vulnerable. I'm a crying mess. I'm so broken and weak.
So I walk closer to him and hug him.
And I cry and think of Amanda and ask for her forgiveness even though she did forgive me.
"He and I were broken up two years ago, Emily" she'd say
"He was only a high school boyfriend" she'd say
"Please if you think he is the one, don't leave him because of me, I wouldn't want to stand in the way of love" she'd say.
She forgave me and even gave me her blessings to be with him.
but I never forgave myself.
And never forgave him.
Never will.
"Ahhh, Ems," he says as he hugs me tighter "you'll be okay."
I can't bear the guilt, I'm right in his arms.
I just can't bear this.
I pull away from him "I'm sorry I need to go." I run out.

I don't know what to do.
What am I supposed to do.
How am I going to live.
I can't even think.
I know I miss her, and that feelings may cloud my judgment sometimes, but I just know it.
I know her death wasn't an accident.
I know someone killed her, and that son of a bitch that I caught, before dad sent me here proves that there is something.
The way he reacted when I said RedSkie.
I'll never forget how his eyes widened.
I had known about that name; RedSkie since Tyler Harper.
I had went through Amanda's laptop and phone, and found nothing interesting, but a guy named Tyler Harper.
I tracked him down, watched him and before I made a move, I noticed he took a lot of drugs and met with a lot of street gangers.
He was bad news.
When I confronted him it was dark and the cop with me thought Tyler was making a move to shoot, but he wasn't.
The cop shot him.
I ran to Tyler and he said
"Amanda and I are involved with RedSkie"
"Who are they" I asked
"Sons of birches" he said "don't tell anyone about them, especially your father"
"They are dangerous," he said "don't go after them but if you do. Don't let them see you coming or you and everyone you care for is dead"
"Did they kill Amanda?" I asked.
But he died, right in my arms.
why would a dying man lie?
Why would the guy I caught freak out when I said RedSkie?
RedSkie must've killed my sister.
And I won't stop until I find them.
I could've told dad about it, but I don't want to endanger him.
If RedSkie ever found about me, I wouldn't want them to hurt my dad.
They have damaged this family a lot.
I must finish this case as soon as possible and go back home.
To find RedSkie.

I should go to my hotel room and get some rest.

Thank you so much for reading my book this far.
The story get so much better now so don't give up on me.
Please vote if you enjoyed reading this chapter and tell me what you think of my book in the comments!

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