1 - Introduction

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Have you ever felt like something was wrong with you? Have you ever felt like you were broken? Does the idea of having sex make you uncomfortable? Do you not feel the need for sex? Have you been told, "It's just a phase?" 

If you said yes to any or all of these questions, you may be asexual and you're not alone

A lot of asexuals have thought to or asked themselves at least one of those questions while trying to find themselves. Once they discover that there's a word for how they're feeling and that they're not alone, they'll often feel more comfortable with themselves and come to terms with it. 

Because of the fact that asexuals make up ~1% of the population, (~70-75 million people) there isn't a lot of asexual representation in the media. And because of the lack of representation, a lot of people (myself included) try to put asexuality out there and teach people about it, which is the primary goal of this book. 

This book was also created to help questioning asexuals find themselves and the identity they feel is right for them. 

This book is my interpretation of asexuality and the interpretation is different for everyone. If there's something I should add, drop me a DM.


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