Chapter One

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This is for my best friend, so I hope she likes it. Also, I hope you guys like it!!
So here goes?

Blake's POV
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that?" My mom asked. I just shook my head and went upstairs to my room. I slammed the door and grabbed my headphones and phone and turned up full blast. This was the fifth time this week my mom has bitched me out for not doing my chores even though I did. I can't stand her sometimes, and she knows it. But right now I'm really pissed at her. She made us move out here to Forks, Washington against my will. We've been here for almost a month now, but I hate it. It's always raining and cloudy and gloomy outside. You can't do anything.
"Who do you think you are?!" I felt my mom yank my headphones out of my ears and scream at me.
"What do you mean?" I said.
"Stomping upstairs and slamming your door and ignoring me!" She screamed. I threw a pillow at her.
"Get the hell out of my room! I can't fucking stand you!" I screamed. She looked at me for a minute before slapping me on the cheek.
"Don't you ever talk to me that way, you understand me!" She said. I just stared at her.
"Go to hell." I said with a look of disgust on my face. She picked up the pillow and laid it back on the bed.
"Destiny, I can't keep fighting with you. Either you straighten up your act, or I'm going to call the police. You will not disrespect me like this. I will  it tolerate it." She said.
"If you want respect, then give it. Treat others the way you want to be treated." I spat.
"You are a child. I am an adult. You respect me no matter what." She said
"Get. Out. You. Hypocrite." I said.

And she did.

Carlisle's POV
"You need to get out. Hunt with us." Edward said.
"Yeah, that will take your mind off some things." Bella said (YES BELLA IS IN THIS AND YES SHE IS A VAMPIRE)
"Guys, I don't know.." I said.
"Esme wouldn't want to see you like this." Bella said, laying a hand on my shoulder.
"I know, I know. But I just can't.. I can't get over her. She's gone. And I can't get her back." I said.
"We all miss her, even Alice.. and she saw her die first. We can't change time, or what happened. But we can live on. And that's just what we're going to have to do." Jasper said. I got up off the couch and looked in the mirror. I looked different. Sad.
"Well, if you decide to come we're leaving now." Edward said as he walked to the door.
"Yeah. I'm coming." I ran past him and outside. It was a relatively clear night. I ran a little further and smelled a sweet smell. I ran towards it, hoping to find it. I wasn't thirsty, but when I found it. When I found her. I couldn't bring myself to kill her. To drink her blood..
"Why are you out so late?" I said. She jumped a little, but still answered.
"I needed a minute. I can't take it anymore in that damn hell hole I call home." She said, the moonlight making the tears shine on her face.
"Are you okay?" I asked. She looked at me.
"Why do you care? You don't even know me." She said.
"Well I'll introduce myself, and then you can introduce yourself and so on.. My name is Carlisle Cullen." I held out my hand for her to shake. She took it instantly.
"Blake Armstrong. Damn, your hands are freezing. Wait a minute..." She trailed off.
"What?" I asked.
"I know of the Cullen's.. I know your kind." She said, a look of wonder and amazement on her face.
"How?" I asked. She looked so amazed.
"What can I say, you guys are the first thing I heard about when I first got here. Don't worry, I'm not scared." She smirked.
"Well.. the sheriff does know us pretty well. His daughter married one of "our kind" and was turned. No big deal.." I said. She chuckled.
"Wow. That's so cool! I'd love to meet everyone but it seems it's only you I've meet. I have to go, but I do hope that we can talk again." She put her hand on my shoulder and said one last thing. "Help me."
She walked back towards her house and left me standing there in shock. I ran back to the house and called Alice.
"Yes Carlisle." She said.
"Have you had any visions of a girl about Bella's age with blonde hair, blue eyes, kind of short..?" I asked.
"Yes, last night actually. Why?" She asked.
"Because I met her tonight. What did she say or do in your vision?" I asked.
"Well it was a weird one. She said "help me" and walked away.
"We have to help her." I said. I ran back to the spot where I met her and kept going. I kept following her scent until I got to a small house. I saw her shadow from a window and ran. When I got to the window I tapped on it. It opened.
"Carlisle what are you doing here!?" She yelled at a whisper. I grabbed her hand and said "I'm helping you."
She looks at me for a second, and broke into tears.
"Grab some things and come with me. Hurry." I said. She ran and got a bag from under her bed and climbed out the window.
"Get on my back." I said.
"What about my bag?" She asked. I grabbed it. "Hurry." I hissed. She jumped up and I ran. We were back at my house in less that five seconds.
"Now, they've all been fed so they shouldn't try anything. But if they do, I'll make sure you don't get hurt." I said. She hugged me.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm thanking you for saving me." She said. And we walked into the house.

So yeah... that kinda sucked. But I have big plans for this, big plans indeed.. anyways, I hope you love this Destiny!!

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