That’s all I could think about. The night was cold and dark, the on light to guide me was the moon. Its ghostly dimly lit light less than enough to get from the horrid people chasing me. The trees were closely planted making it impossible to run straight or to tell where I was going. Everything was the same. The ground came too quick, too fast I had tripped over another tree root hidden in the muddy dirt beneath me. I wanted to just give up to just lay there and let him find me. But I knew I could not stop my fear fueled the adrenaline that pumped through my veins urging me to keep going. I pushed pass the pain shooting through my body and crawled my way to my feet. Unsteady footsteps grew louder behind me and then his voice emerged from the shadows
“Come out, Come out were ever you are.”
I dodged behind the nearest tree holding my breath upon hearing his voice.
“If you come out now I promise we won’t hurt you.” Another voice yelled out.
If I wasn’t running for my life I would has laughed at that. Obviously they want to hurt me that’s the whole point of the cat and mouse chase.
“Fine!” Another voice called out.
”Have it your way, the moment we catch you, you’re dead!”
Not wanting to take them up for that offer I took off, sprinting away from them. The trees became a blur as I ran to the rhythm of the forest. The night sky’s dark blue slowly turned into a beautiful burnt orange as the sun broke through. Unfortunately didn’t have time to mask in its beauty. With the suns new light I was able to get a better glimpse of the earlier shadows around me. I looked around trying to find a way out of this hell hole, the more I look around the more I start to panic not. All I see are blurs of dark green and brown. 
There’s no way out.
I stopped. Breathing was hard and my vision became fuzzy. Their unsteady footsteps got closer.
My brain screamed. I took off in a random direction.
I knew he was right behind me as his breathing became audible to my ears. The sun won its battle against the moon and now completely lighting up the forest. That’s when I finally saw it. The way out. It was a clear path that led straight to a main road. I pumped my legs to go faster.
I’m some clo-
The impact of my face hitting the cold hard ground came hard and fast. She didn’t even have time to process what happened when a strong grip on her ankle pulled her away from the exit of the park.
“No!” She screamed clawing at the muddy ground.
“We got you now bitch.” The leader laughed along with the others. Tears filled her eyes. And she sent a silent prayer to the god she once believed in to help her. But just like two when she prayed for her parent’s survival her prayers went unanswered. The blows came quick and painful. She didn’t even have time to block or register each hit and kick. The pain was intense every inch of her body was in pain. The beating lasted for what she though was hours but in reality it was only a couple of minutes. Everyone – as if were communicating with their minds – stopped all at once. Kay’lonii slowly, cautiously, and curiously untangled herself and pecked her head out wondering why they stopped hitting her. The leader pulled out a strange object that shined in the florescent moonlight. The leader’s eyes sparkled with a villainous glint. His smile shock her to her core. She couldn’t understand why but she knew she had to get away.
“Pick her up.” He ordered. Her eyes widened as the other two men grabbed her. She tried to fight but they had an iron grip on her arms.
“We got a feisty one.” The one with dirty brown hair chuckled.
“Apparently we do. Too bad she won’t be alive for long.” The leader laughed and waved the object in the air. All the color from Kay’lonii’s face drained away. There in his hand was a SIG Pro semi-automatic pistol. The top of it was all silver. Which Kay’lonii guessed was the silver glint in the moonlight. The fear in her eyes only made the men smile with joy.
“Well, well, well look at this boys miss. Feisty is scared.” Everyone laughed.  Kay’lonii knew a lot about guns because of her gun loving father. She knew that the gun holds 16 bullets and that they fired 10 of them already. Six bullets. She knew that she wasn’t going to escape; they were going to kill her.
“Let’s see how well her feistiness helps her get past these bullets.” The leader walked up to her and pointed the gun up to here head. Again for the second time that day she sent a prayer to the god in the sky. Please don’t let me die. The leader took the safety off the gun and fired at the tree in behind her two inches above her head. Kay’lonii’s brain didn’t register what had happened. it was only when she heard the men all laughing did she realize that he didn’t kill her.
“Wow guys where her bravery now is?”  They all laughed. Kay’lonii’s face reddened, embarrassed that she was being laughed at. Just when I thought I was used to it.  The leader waved his gun around laughing. The two men holding her letting their guards down laughing loosened their grip on Kay’lonii witch she gladly to advantage of. She snatched her left arm from the first man and punched the second full force in the neck; severely damaging his airways. Then she turned around and did the same thing to the first guy leaving no room for any of them to react. The sound of the click from the safety of the gun made freeze in her spot. The leader laughed.
“Turn around miss. Feisty.” Kay’lonii slowly turned around and tried to assess of the nature of her current. She looked around trying to find a way out.
“There is no way out baby” the leader smirked. The man to the left was painfully breathing his nose and throat sounding like a whistle. The leader is looking at this fallen soldier with something close to pity.
“His blood is on your hands and now your blood will be in mine.” He took to steps closer the only thing in between them was his arm and the gun. Still frozen Kay’lonii held her breath. Just as he pulled the trigger a park guard screamed:
“Hey! What is going on here?” The leader slightly distracted the moved the gun 2 inches to the left. The bullet went straight into the left side of her head. The pain in her head was nothing compared to the pain in the rest of her body. Shock filled her body; not really realizing she was being shot. Kay’lonii watched as the leader ran off dropping the gun along the way. The park guard came from the dark to her left. Her vision began to look like a Dalmatians; there were so many spots.
“Hey sweetie don’t close your eyes. Stay with me.” To Kay’lonii his voice seemed far away and under water. The Guard took out a small lit up box that Kay’lonii’s brain couldn’t register as a phone. Her body seemed heavy and far away from her conscience. The color and heat form her body drained out of the bullet shaped hole in her head. Blackness surrounded Kay’lonii and she welcomed it.  I’ll see you soon mom and dad.

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