The night shift at the hospital was slow for the doctor. This was one of those rare nights in New York City, especially on a full moon like this. The doctor never believed in superstitions like that but he could not deny that the full moon made people do so dumb stuff that will eventually send them to the hospital. The doctor sat at the front of the desk and listened to the hospitals silent hum, the heart monitors kept the tempo, the distant sound of some one – a nurse the doctor guessed – typing on a computer at a steady beat was the drums, the computers, that were not completely on, hummed and shook was the violins, the wind instruments were the loud squeaks of the carts being pushed around the halls by the volunteers. The doctor leaned back in his chair drowning himself in his own imaginary symphony. The doctor sighed and contemplated the idea of going home for the night just in time to kiss his son goodnight.  The doctor was about to get up and leave when he heard his imaginary symphony go off beat. Someone’s tempo was lacking. Someone down the hall to his left yelled.
“Code Blue in room 328!” the doctor jumped to his feet and ran to the room. Even though he knew who was in the room he prayed that it was not her. The doctor ran in the room and he saw five nurses swooning over the girl violently shaking on the bed. The doctor froze, the room seemed to slow down and everyone in the room seemed to stop. The girl on the bed turned her head and yelled at him to save her. The doctor’s eyes widened as the girls face and body changed to his little girl. The doctor slammed his eyes shut and shook his head not wanting to go to that place again. Not wanting to remember. The doctor opened his eyes again and everything went back to its chaotic state. The doctor looked at the girl on the bed and mentally sighed when he realized that she was not her. One of the nurse yelled at him to help. He jumped into action with determination in his eyes to keep this girl alive walked, further into the room and looked at the monitor. The girl’s heart rate was dropping and so was her blood temperature even her internal temperature was dropping rapidly. The doctor looked at her and her skin rapidly became pale and her lips turned blue. It was like her life was being sucked out of her. The doctor shook his head thinking that his mind was still playing tricks on him. He had just decided what he was going to when everything just stopped. The girl on the bed stopped shaking. She laid perfectly still as if she wasn’t just a few seconds ago. The doctor looked at her monitor and saw that everything was back to normal. Her body temperature was back to normal and her heart was beating at its normal rate. The doctor stared at the girl in amazement and awe as the color came back to her. He then looked at the nurses who were just as horrified as him. They all just put their share of equipment away, no one took their eyes off of the girl on the bed. When the room was completely cleaned the nurses left the room murmuring about how the girl was a medical mystery and how nobody at the hospital will believe what happened in this room with that girl. The doctor shook his head and sat down in the chair next to the girl. The doctor hesitatingly moved a piece of hair off the girls face. There was no way the doctor was going home now, he just couldn’t. So he pulled the other chair across from him and grabbed the forgotten blanket from the counter and wrapped it around him. He stared at the girl’s steady breathing and slowly fell asleep with only one question on his mind. What the hell was going on in that girl’s mind?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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