Science project gone wrong {Jimin}

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If ur confused these are the ages {Oldest to youngest} Jin: 24, Rap Monster: 23 Suga: 17, Hobi: 15, Jimin: 13, Tae: 13, Jungkook: 11

Jimin sighed. Yet another science project he had to do, another assignment that was definitely not needed into his life. Jimin was in honors, he was stressed each day to the point he had passed out. This of course was normal. He would never have time to do anything fun. Well other than P.E. That was the one class that he actually liked. Science was the runner-up, it just had way too many assignments that were particularly set on the worst day possible.

He ruffled his hair and jogged home because he was so backed up and needed to finish homework. As he walked inside his house he ran to his room and shut the door, forgetting to say hi to his parents.


I sighed, Jimin looked like he was stressed. I looked at my oldest Suga. "Suga, go ask if your brother needs help," I stated. He nodded lazily.

No one POV

Suga knocked on the door lightly. "Lil bro, you need help?"
{Real Reaction: Sorry I'm too busy writing lyrics/resting -.-} he asked leaning against the wall. Jimin couldn't be happier. Ah yes actually! Thanks!" Jimin smiled brightly.
Suga gave a light smile and walked into the room, running his hands through the younger boy's hair. Jimin set up the board on his bed and drew lines across planning out the structure. {Of course with Rap Mon's talent {Flips hair} JK}

Hours later~
Jimin sighed and stretched. "Ah, now we just need to glue it!" Suga yawned.
Tae Hyung and Jungkook entered the room. "We heard glue..." The pleaded. "Alright, under one condition. Please don't do anything stupid" Jimin really appreciated the help. This saved him so much time. He couldn't be more grateful. He was just a little worried. Well not because he didn't have time. Well, he didn't. But it was Jungkook and Tae. But he didn't refuse because the honestly were amazing at arts and crafts.That and they used Aeggo on him. Minutes later they were having fun and gluing. Nothing could go wrong-

Once upon a time, their was a boy. His name was Taehyung. Taehyung had a younger brother named Jungkook. They loved each other very much. Taehyung and Jungkook were having fun doing arts and crafts. But something happened. Can anyone guess what happened? Well, Taehyung and Jungkook played with glue! Taeyung was about touch Jungkook's forehead to put his head on his lap. Taehyung managed to get his hand on Jungkook. Now he just needed to find a way to get it off.

Jungkook let out a loud cry. "MY EYE! MY EYE!" He screamed. Jimin flew forwards the boys while Suga stood their in 'Why did I agree to this'. There was one problem. While Jimin 'helped' a *cough touched the goddamn glue* he also managed to get his own palm's (YES HE GOT BOTH HANGS STUCK) in his poor little brother's eye. Jin {their mom} had to run in the room along with their father Namjoon, because of the stupid boys. {But somehow Jimin's in honors .-.} "What in the hell?!" Their dad cursed trying to pry off the three hands that were now a part of Jungkook's face. Jin face palmed. Suga just paced around the room while hobi the second oldest laughed himself to death. {R.I.P. Hobi 2017 😔} Jin was turning into Bill Cypher. "Are you kidding me?! Ah! God damn it you, damn kids! You two come with me, hobi watch over the boys because Suga already failed at that!" He pointed at Suga and Rap monster, and Suga had that 'OMG' face. "I'm going to get glue remover!" He sternly spoke. Jungkook let out a whine. "But mom!!!! This hurt really bad!" He wailed. "What you want me to chop off their arms?!" Jin yelled. "Theirs no need! I'm sure his tears will melt this glue before my sweat does!" Tae barked. Jimin looked like he was about to cry himself. He just silently squirmed over to the table, desperately trying to finish up his math homework. With his freakin mouth.

Jungkook fused around complaining, about his eye. Thirty minutes later Jin left with Suga, and Rap Monster. Jimin wasn't trying to make a big deal, but he kinda needed to use the restroom. And it was sort of urgent. He blushed a bit trying not to think about it. "Ah, I'm so sorry Jungkook forgive me." He apologized. "Don't worry Jimin, it's not your fault it's tae's! He's the stupid bitch here!" Jungkook cursed. Jungkook felt a sharp pain across his head. Hobi had smacked the back of his head. Jungkook let out another large wail. "Your eleven quite it. Jimin doesn't worry it's fine. And you Tae, you all would have been completely fine, but you know not everyone's. perfect." J-Hope glared. Jimin gave another small smile and sat on the bed, well tried to. They all finally were able to sit down and Jimin crossed his legs tightly. He endured the pain. He knew he couldn't hold it until Jin came back, he was sure of it. "U-Um hobi...can you come here I need to tell you something." He lectured. J-Hope happily made his way to his younger brother. "I-I really need to use the restroom...I don't think I can wait until Jin comes back...' he whispered in his ear. J-Hope knew that Jimin was pretty sensitive about it and tried his best to cope with anything given to him. He was very disciplined and smart. Jimin blushed a little bit. Hobi, kneeled down to the younger boys height. He looked him in the eyes while Jimin looked down. "Do you need to go right now? Or can you wait five minutes?" He whispered to him. "Now..." Jimin replied. Luckily the others didn't hear because they were too busy fighting. "Okay." J-Hope got up and snapped at the two fighting boys. "New plan, were getting Jimin to the bathroom. If you need to go now if your chance." He announced. They both moaned. "Jimin and bathroom don't work well together!" Jungkook cried. "Why is that?" Hobi sassed. "Well, I don't know! Both of his hands are stuck to my face!" Jungkook glared. "Ah just shut! Let's get this over with I want to sleep!" V complained. Jimin and the other three boys waddled to the bathroom tripping over each other numerous times. Jimin's bladder hurt from this. He didn't know why but his limit was past himself. He didn't need to go that bad at first but now he was dying to go.

He felt a stream run down his leg and stopped not able to move. "Why did you stop moving?" Jungkook asked. U-Uh..." he moved a bit again trying his best to get to the toilet as dry as possible. But no, his bladder rejected that and choose another spurt to release. A noticeable patch was formed on his tight jeans. He cried out. They were already at the toilet at this time. He felt himself let go again. Forming more of a darker patch that fell to the floor. He couldn't do it any longer. He let go that second as J-Hope was about to help him. It was a lot less than he expected and shorter, but it still managed or it actually did make a puddle that left to room and into the hallway. Chattering was heard in the hallways and stopped immediately after it got close enough to the four shocked boys. Jin didn't say a word. He just got out the product he bought and put it Jungkook and the other two slowly peeling them off. Jin knew it and didn't need any type of explanation for what had happened or even the situation. "Jimin stripe and into the shower, Joonie go get the mop and bleach, and Suga and hobie clean this. Tae go take a nap and Kookie lay down and do whatever you do." Those words summarized their whole day. And he could tell that everyone had a crappy day, but they knew that Jin was only going to make it even crappier.

Hope you enjoyed! I thought it would be a cute scenario! Ah please comment and vote! What type of insult should I do next? Thank you! I take any request! If I do not answer that is because I am not comfortable with that ty- Yeah jk I'm no that kind of person 😂❤️. Anyway, I actually do take any request! Just please don't be too yeh know smut-ish. I accept fluff and angst, very light smut {No hardcore cuz this account is kinda valid to my friends and if they read it..I'm sure their eyes wouldn't believe their minds 😂😅} But I will take stuff like kissing, flirting and soft SOFT people. Soft sex. Oh god, imma regret this. Anyway, I promised my best friend I'd show her a smut I wrote so I guess tat could count? Goodbye! Thanks for reading:3 Bye Bye! Arigato!! -3-


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