Hyung! What the fuck?! Pt.2

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After the incident at home, Jungkook's bladder got a little bit more, let's just say urgent. It was like every five minutes he needed to piss. And let's just say that wasn't a good thing:

1. He had school and he would always wait to the last minute and he couldn't exactly do that anymore.

2. He has practice and their choreographer was strict with bathroom breaks.

And 3, If you want me to be precise then let me just tell you it wasn't so dry anymore when he woke up in the morning.

He obviously wasn't going give in with his bladder anymore especially because he wet himself twice at school the same week and, yes has been straight on wetting his bed. It wasn't like he was going to tell the hyungs about anything. He always found a solution. After all he is the Golden Makane.

There was honestly no solution. He needed doctor advice, not a bandage and sleeping pills. He needed to tell at least one hyung. Jin was the best person that popped into his mind. Now he just needed to find him....

He saw Yoongi sitting sitting on the couch.

"Hyung, have you seen Jin I need to tell him something."

"I think he went to the store." He said eyes locked on his phone.

"Oh, okay if you see him later can you tell him to meet me in my room?"

"Yeah, sure."

Just as he was about to leave Suga pulled in his shirt.

"What do you want to tell him?"



"If I tell you don't get mad."

"Oh hell no, what did you do."

"Or don't laugh..."

"Why would I laugh?"


"Just tell me."

Jungkook took a deep breath.

"So I managed to set myself at school two times this week....and I started wetting the bed on Saturday." He kind of whispered.

"Yeah, I know."

Jungkook blushed.

"What? How...?!"

"I'm the one who washes laundry did you forget?"

Of course! Shit! How could I be so stupid.

Jungkook blushed harder.

He felt tears fall down his cheeks, he quickly wiped them before more fell.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. It's alright I'm not mad or anything."

"B-but-... I just want it to stop it's too humiliating."

How could you cry over something like this?! Your such a wimp.

"Like I said I'm not mad, but if you want to do something about it then I'm sure Jin can bring some meds to calm you down if you have a head ack."

"No, don't worry I'm fine. Sorry."

"It's okay, do you need to wash anything?" Suga asked softly.

"Wha- oh...um if it not too much for you."

"No of course not, I was going to do launder the right now."




"Your welcome."





It didn't have omorashi in it but the next part is going to be part three and it's going to include V omorashi flash backs.

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