Jeon Jungkook You Fucking Human!

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Summary: Jungkook doesn't like the fact he wet himself in his managers car....
Part 2 of the series Tried To Hold It(But We Weren't Fast Enough) lmao

It was only yesterday he was wetting himself at the dinner table and it turned out that the 'talk' his hyungs had were a surprise for him. They wanted to take him somewhere of pity. They were apparently talking about it when he in the shower but he didn't think they would plan this at night and just go the next day.

Jungkook glanced at the trees they pasted. The car runned normally, and he could feelthe breeze hit his face. He cuddled next the person next to him; not even checking, he just fell on top of their lap. He squirmed as more of the breeze hit his bare skin making him feel chilly. He whined when he felt the owner of the lap take off their jacket. He stopped immediately when the warm jacket was placed over him making him feel fuzzy and small again. He fell asleep quickly.

When he awoke he was greeted by a tingle coming from below. The warm feeling made him smile. Wait- oh shit He was pissing all over his managers car. Yoongi jumped a bit at the maknae's sudden motion but fell back asleep when they stopped.

After what felt like hours he slowly got off of the human pillow. He looked at the owner. Yoongi. Min Yoongi. Why did he decide to sit next to him? Out of all people Yoongi the one person he needed to hide it from.

The only one up was Hoseok. He sat beside Yoongi staring out the night window. How fucking long does it take to drive to an amusement park?

"Hyung." He half screamed which grasped the older's attention.

He shot a look at the worried pale face. He titled his head in concern.

"Yes kookie?"

What the fuck was he going to say.

'Oh I wet myself while sleeping' Yeah no. Well he was going to have end up saying that in a way. So fuck life.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" More like I already went.

Jungkook blushed.

"No. No. I don't need to go. Just asking." Jungkook assured.

"Well alright. If you do then just tell someone we wouldn't want you to have an accident." I already fucking did you bitch.

"Hyung that words embarrassing..."

"Yah. Jungkook I'm just saying the truth." Well the truth is humiliating.

Jungkook felt the uncomfortable slush the padding underneath made and how much urine it held. He felt the warm liquid become much colder and made him huddle the blanket even more. He almost cried when he saw how the ends of the jacket were noticeablely wet. He should have been more careful.

Who the hell wanted to stay in the that mess for hours? Not him. He felt a sudden wetness from his eyes jolt as he moved to the window; claiming it, preferably calling it home because he had no place for him in that group. Today is going to be one of the worst days in his life and he knows it. As if the day before already wasn't.

Even if he could hide it. There was no way he could hide the big stain in his managers car. Other than that the urine would most likely dry up rather slow and it would just be an even longer process because of how much there was.

He was so very miserable. He felt a tear run down his face as he looked towards the window wanting to hide from reality. A hand tapped him from the back of his shoulder and he looked behind only to see a confused Jimin and Taehyung.

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