No Joy In Your Pain [Jungkook/Jimin]

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WHOOPPPPP 13k LOLL LOVE YA (holy fuck now it's 23k it's a dream come true...)


Jungkook wanted to explode. His face was red and puffy. Park Jimin had made a request in hold his bladder for the whole practice; because he had nearly made Jimin wet himself...

"No- Jungkook. Stop I need to-"  the older hopes that Jungkook would get off of him.

"What?" His voice seemed innocent. He applied more pressure on his hyung which made Jimin loose complete control for a few second. Jungkook had started to laugh, he got off of Jimin and the boy ran to the toilet. He bumped into Hoseok and almost started to cry.

"Woah, what's wrong with you?"

"I need to use the restroom." He tried to keep his voice from straining because the older had a camera in his arms.

"Lol. Jimin are you desperate." Jimin flushed to red.

"What- no. Move I need to go." The third oldest let out a small laugh before turning of the shaped object in hands. Jimin raced away before he could be asked more questions. When he meant he nearly pissed himself, he meant he was already doing so. He struggled with his zipper as soon as he entered a stall. He felt a spurt soak the front of his shorts and he gasped. He quickly took out his member and started to crying in relief. When he made his way back Hoseok seemed confused.

" I thought you went to the bathroom?" He asked.

Jimin whimpered "I did" Jimin deadpanned, eyes glued to his shoes.

"I see..." Hoseok seemed awkward and just walked away. Jimin began to sniffle tears. Jungkook looked up from his phone.

"I'm going to kill you."


He was frantically drummed his feet at the ground. He was certainly embarrassed. It's just simply; painful. Jimin had forced water down the maknae's throat and made excuses whenever he said he was going to the bathroom. Jimin was angry; he was usually sweet and childish but now he was just terrifying...Jungkook's had needed to piss for at least two hours and his bladder sure wasn't taking it well. He groaned as they practiced fire and blood sweat and tears. After practice he felt like dying. His bladder was holding so much fluid that it started to hurt.

"Hyung; I really need to use the restroom." He pleaded to Jimin. Jimin just sighed.

"Fine go ahead; but I swear I'll make sure you feel as much as pain as I did last time!" He laughed. Jungkook was truly greatful. 

"Guys. We're going home!" Namjoon called grabbing his backpack. Jungkook gulped and shivered a low 'Okay.' They walked to the van; he wanted to ask if he could use the restroom first but before he knew it they were already inside the van. Each of the members started to joke but only Jungkook stayed silent. He focused on holding before he was interrupted by Hoseok. He felt a himself leak and he full blown panicked. The members looked up at him; surprised.

"Kookie? What's wrong." Jungkook shook his head and stuffed his hands between his crouch.

"N-Nothing..." a whine, "I'm fine..."

"Do you need to use the restroom?" Jin finally asked and he didn't refuse.

"C-can we stop the car...?" Tears were clouding his vision. Taehyung then asked the driver to stop the car; he complied without questions. Jungkook began to unbuckle his seat belt. He said nothing just bounced up and down with watery eyes. [I CAN FUCKING PICTURE THAT]

He waited for the car to stop and pushed past Jimin which looked completely guiltily. Once Jungkook was out he quickly looked for a bathroom. There was nothing. He had to make a choice; if he didn't he would soon be wetting himself helplessly. He ran to a bush not even caring for privacy anymore. He felt a spot growing on his pants but not before he took out his member and let everything flow. He panted and was unaware of how noticeable the stain on his pants was he tried to wipe of off with his sweat but it changed nothing.

He hung his head as he walked back to the car. No one said anything knowing that if they did then the maknae would start crying. Jimin looked concerned. Yoongi finally broke the silence.

"Yah, JK, stop looking down won't change anything; here." He took off his jacket and set it on Jungkook's lap. Visible tears leaking from his eyes but Jungkook still didn't dare to look at his Hyung's. He was far to humiliated. Anyway...Jimin was playing with his fingers.

He had felt horrible for making their maknae cry. Jungkook was so cute and fluffy that most of the time Jimin just wanted to cuddle with the boy. Jimin had his knees to his head as he continued to stare at his small hands. When Taehyung asked if he was alright he nodded. He had a lump in his throat that hurt to swallow. Jimin's eyes burned. He was currently doing everything he could to hold back tears but couldn't help but let his eyes get glassy and heavy. He looked out the window to hide his face for the rest of the ride; when the all got out he went straight to his shared room with Hoseok. He hid under the covers and let himself cry.

He felt horribly guilty; it actually hurt him.




lol don't hate me to much I didn't feel like finishing it. <3

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