Time to go.

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She couldn't believe herself. getting all girly over a man. Yea she had a crush upon him since growing up with him, but did it mean that he had to confront her upon it? Sparks flew in her eyes, a mindless rage gripping her form, her eyes turning to a coal black, teeth lengthening,sharpening her mind was in a black rage pit. why was this sudden anger happening to her? her thoughts could not process themselves, for if they could, she would know that her thirst for blood was taking her over. Diving at his unprotected form, teeth snapping at his neck, his arm holding her off from making connection to her form, she growled rabidly, clarity entering her gaze, as her mouth collided with his pulse. He couldn't bring himself to hurt her, and so he held her close, hoping her sanity returned. Her teeth rubbed against his neck, kicking skin, her breathing became erratic, as her fingers dug into his back, tugging him closer as she sealed her mouth over his wound, sucking eagerly, making him go limp at the shock of the pleasure. his hard on came back with raging force, her own hips undulated against his, rubbing her aching clit against his raging length.

Her teeth pierced the vein, her mouth sealing upon it, tongue lapping as she grinded him, moans of pleasure strung from her throat. oh goddess she had to stop. she couldn't continue her thought processes as her orgasm threw her over the edge, him moaning her name as he ejaculated in his pants, the only fabric protecting him from thrusting into her molten core. His shorts rode up her legs, bunching around her legs, his hand found the globes of each cheek and gripped it as she rode him to another orgasm. Her mouth broke the seal she had on his neck, her nails letting go from his back as hid blood warmed her, fulfilling one ache she had at least. oh goddess. she did that willingly.  maybe he liked it?

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