something to fear

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oh yes, it seemed he feared her. why. she didn't tear his throat out, even as anger clouded her vision, coloring it red, she still couldn't truly hurt him. placing a gentle hand upon his arm" she hummed a haunting melody, by a man named Beethoven, a human genius by her standards

he looked into her peaceful face, slowly coming back to himself, realizing that yes it was just a dream. was she going to cradle him like a babe to the bosom? that thought alone made him crack a smile, as the melody soothed the beast before him. without knowing it, she began to stroke his head gently, fingers brushing his hair from his temples lightly.

this was wondorous and new to him. this fluttering in his abdomen, his body relaxing like it never has before, even during sex he was always on guard, prepared for anything. when her voice stopped, he winced as his thoughts bounced around his sore and overused brain.

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