A Zyplai Date #1

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*In a not so shocking turn of events the people have chosen:


Shocking I know*

Zyplai's POV

The sun had just risen and a ray hit Shen waking her. She opened her eyes only to get blinded by the ray that had awoken her.

She immediately shut her eyes once more, for it was too bright for her sleepy gaze. After a while however she knew waking up was unavoidable.

She opened her eyes once more, but she closed them instantly. This time however it wasn't a what.

It was a who.

Shen opened her eyes slowly a looked at her surroundings. Brad. He was next to her.


She looked down at herself and noticed she still had clothes on. Confused Shen started to think upon last night.

Smiling at the fact that none of her memories contained any sexual content she looked up at Brad and smiled at his sleeping form.

She started to notice the little things that Brad had aquired. How his brown hair covers his eyes. His nose smaller than usual men *;)* . How he had been smiling during his sleep.

"If you want to stare at me, mind doing it when I'm awake?" Shen face turned white.

"H-h-how d-did you know" she stuttered still trying to get over the fact that Brad metaphorically scared the shit out of her.

"Two reasons," he smirked "I woke up before you" she hadn't even noticed "and I felt you brush my hair" she smirked.

"Aw Bradi-Chan, do you want me to play with more than your hair." She saw him cringe.

"Y-y-yeah" he stuttered.

Shen rolled on top of him, but to where her backside was on his chest.

"You would like that's wouldn't you?" She whispered.

"Not as much as your damn blonde hair out of my mouth." He chewed on her hair making her instantly get off of him.

"WHAT THE FUCK BRAD?!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Nothin" he reached up to his head.

"Don't you dare do it" she said as his fingers pinched the air.

All she saw was that smirk on his face. "Mi" he said slowly

Shen grabbed the nearest thing and threw it at him. Unluckily for them, well mostly Brad, she had picked up a Hanzo Pop Vinyl.

It hit him right in the forehead in between his eyes. She gasped as she heard him groan in pain.

She ran to his side as he had fallen on the bed.

"Brad are you okay?!" She yelled




She backed away scared. She was about to run out the door when she heard him grumble.

She walked slowly to his side. "Brad?" He grumbled again this time lower. She put her ear next to his mouth "What was it Brad?"


Her face went red.

"You asshole!" She started smacking his head. As he was dying of laughter.

Zylpia: RoomMATES OR LoversWhere stories live. Discover now