Chapter 1 The Wreckage

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Lukas POV
My lungs burned with lack of fresh breath, panic set in as my body was pulled deeper. The need for air increased, my body took a breath filling my lungs with the ocean water. It scorched my lungs causing me to cough and gag, forcing more of the salty liquid into my lungs and down my throat. I could feel myself slowly losing the battle and inhaling more. My eyes began to close as I relaxed into the warm grip of death, the last thing I saw was the spots of black slowly dancing into my fading vision.

Matthias POV
I grimaced at the site, the small boat I was watching had capsized. Most of the crew had escaped onto life boats, I looked around hoping to find the face of the sailor who had captured my interest. A small silver glint grabbed my attention I dove down to see what it was, my eyes widened in shock and fear as I saw the boy I was looking for being held down by a length of rope that had tangled around his feet . He wasn't moving. I tugged at the rope. Nothing. I didn't have enough time to save him, ideas ran through my head of how to save him only one would work and it was a gamble that he would last long enough anyways. It was my best bet. I quickly began the incantation, and wrapped my tail protectively around the human's legs. I finished the incantation and relaxed my hold on him as he began to change. I sighed in relief as he took a breath in, his face relaxing with relief.

Lukas POV
I could feel a headache starting as I breathed in, consciousness now seemed closer to me. I sighed in relief as more air filled my lungs, I could tell something was wrong. I snapped my eyes open and found I was still floating in the water where I had lost consciousness. I Kicked my legs hard, it felt different. I looked down only to find an elongated fish like tail. I kicked again, the tail moved, the purple scales glistening in the filtered light. I made a strangled nose as the rope still holding me tugged down, I tried to swim up my movements unsteady with my new limb. I looked up at the surface my eyes filled with panic. Someone tapped my shoulder I turned around and was meet with a goofy grin. I yelped not expecting a shirtless man to be in front of me. "Don't move I'm gonna cut ya free Lukas!" His voice was overly cheerful. I watched in confusion as he sank down a little and began to saw at the rope with a knife. As soon as I was free I tried to get away, failing miserably due to not knowing how in the hell to swim with a tail. The guy that freed me grabbed me from behind his arms wrapped comfortably around my waist and and lifted me to the surface "My names Matthias by the way."
I coughed at the feeling of cold air in my lungs. I looked around for something from the wreckage I spotted a mess of silvery hair resting on a length of wood. I used my arms to swim over, all I could do was pray that if it was my brother he was alive. "Emil!" My heart sped up as his head lifted, purple eyes wide with confusion. I managed to work my tail to get me over to him faster.

Matthias POV
I watched as Lukas swam unsteadily to the person he called 'Emil' my heart broke a little as he pulled the obviously fading boy into a tight embrace. I could hear someone began to sing, their voice seemed to catch the young boys ears. I was mildly surprised to find Tino being the one casting the incantation. I watched as Lukas tightened his grip and pulled the Emil boy closer to him. The boy only shivered slightly and curled into Lukas. I looked over at Tino who was making his way over to Lukas and the boy, Lukas looked up and glared "What did you do to my brother!" His voice made Emil squirm threatening to wake up. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Tino looked on the verge of tears. Lukas sighed and ran his hand through the boys hair. "Thank you," His voice was soft "thank you for not letting him die." Tino smiled at his words before turning to me. He launched himself at me, his body slammed into mine as he said something about getting a brother in law, he made sure to say it loud enough that Lukas could hear.

Tino quickly swam off to find Berwald and Peter leaving the three of us alone. I swam slowly over to Lukas who was still trying to understand everything that had happened to him. He still held Emil to himself, tears of relief and confusion dripped down his face. "Lukas? Hey, it's okay, your brother is fine." He only turned to glare at me. I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder "Come on Lukas, let's go home."

Lukas POV
My brother looked so relaxed, the blue tint to his face had faded and his mouth was pulled into a small smile, his new tail flicking happily in the water. I could here Matthias talking to me I only glared at him. "Come on Lukas, let's go home." I nodded my head in agreement. Emil stirred as we swam, me finally starting to learn how to use my tail, suddenly he pushed out of my arms wide eyed only to sink as he attempted to swim. I love under and grabbed him, his body shock slightly, I took a deep breath "Emil you need to breathe, hey are you paying any attention to me!" I followed his horrified gaze, I frowned, his eyes were locked on my tail. He forced himself out of my grasp again. "Shit! Emil stop struggling and look down!" Matthias swam up behind him and wraped his arms around his waist. Emil' s eyes widened amazement at his tail the color slightly lighter than my own. He looked at me panicked I cautiously made my way over to him, "We couldn't let you die. I'm sorry Emil" if we were above water I could tell he would be balling his eyes out, but down here only muffled sobs came out.

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