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Matthias POV
The sky was still dark as I scrambled up onto the rickety old dock. The moonlight give enough light to make my way along the broken stone path. A light was on in the small cabin, as expected, quickly I wiggled into the pants that I had set out and opened the door startling my drunk friends. "Dude what the hell!" Alfred yelled jumping away from the door. "I need some help," my face went red as I relayed the events of that day. "Wow, man who woulda guessed you'd actually get 'im." I lightly smacked him in the head. "So ya gonna help me?"
A few hours later we had the entire place clean and looking nice. All dishes were done, beds, made floors mopped so on so forth. Gil and Alfred waved goodby as they left both having had sobbered up a bit. Now was to go get Lukas.

Lukas POV
I pushed myself against the warm body lying next to mine. Slowly o was drug out of sleep only to find myself underneath a familiar quilted blanket, a soft pillow was tucked under my head. Soft lips brushed my forehead and a arm wraped itself around my waist "mornin' Lukas." Matthias' whisper sent a shiver up my spine and I pushed my self farther against him "I'm hungry" I mumbled
"I need food." I said louder refusing to relinquish my grip around Matthias. "So food, then what. Should we make this official?" I mumbled a soft yes into his chest followed by a soft kiss. "If you want food you have to let me go." I slowly detangled myself and rolled over pushingmy face into the pillow.

Matthias POV
Lukas must be extremely tired I thought as I started preparing the pancakes I had set out. Lukas yawned from the other room and mumbled something. I smiled to myself and poured begain to pour the batter into the sizzling pan. This is going to be a fun few days.

Im so sorry dudes! I just had teeth pulled so I'm a bit outa it, so sorry if its not that good! Im still working on writeing mire but I gotta bunch of stuff on my plate right now. Love y'all! Thanks for reading my crap😂😂

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