chapter 4 The Cabin

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Matthias POV
I set Lukas down gently, his toes curled in the soft green grass. His eyes crinkled as a soft smile graced his soft features. I began walking, my legs still slightly shaky, Lukas gently squeezed my hand in his. A soft gasp escaped him as the small cabin came into veiw, his soft smile transforming into one of happiness. I reached for the knob, it's slightly rusted surface showing the lack of inhabitants. I couldn't help but look proudly at Lukas' happiness knowing that I caused it. He turned and looked at me from the doorway joy lighting his features even though his face had already fallen back to his normal stoic expression.

Lukas POV
I walked through the doorway, Matthias behind me, the small cabin was beautiful. A couch sat in the middle of the floor, books littered the small side tables and floor. A small table was already set with food and a vase of flowers. I look back at Matthias, head tilted in curiosity, his smile grew larger. He rubbed the back of his head nervously "Is it okay? I thought you might llike a normal human meal! I havemt had this type of food in years!" His voice trembled with nervousness. I softened my expression, alowimg a small barely-there smile to grace my lips. My eyes siddened as I was pulled into a hug, "oh... um i got somthing for you, well found it!" I felt something cool pushed intp my palm as he pulled back, my gaze fluttered down to the object. My pin, i had lost it during the crash the time I had been with Matthias caused me to forget about it. "How did you do all this in one day?" I was genuinely curious. "Well i have some friends up here, I doubt you would like them though, they are a little overbearing but they mean well!" His awkward demenor returning. "Weshould probably be quick up here," my voice held a tinge of saddness as i spoke, "Emil will worry if we dont get back before him."
"Youre right, besides the food'll get cold!" I could tell he was hoding disappintment. "Hey, Matthias, we can stay longer im sure Emil will be fine." I did feel bad for saddening Matthias, though I dont know why. The meal was cooked well, we enjoyed a.simple meal of...pasta? It had been a while
I soon grew tiered, i pulled my self away and stumbled towards the couch, my legs itching. I made a sound as matthias lifted me up and carried me toward a seperate room, i could feel Matthias chuckle as i curled inti him? My face in the crook of his neck. He set me gently on the bed and mumbled something, i mindlessly scratched my leg sighing as tge itchyness disapated. I rolled over throwing my arms around the closest thimg i had, Matthias. He sqeaked his face going red as i snuggled into him.

Matthias POV
I looked over at the smaller male snuggling my side, he looked to be asleep his mouth slightly ajar, his eyes closed peacefully, eyelashes brushing his cheaks lightly. I gently pressed my lips to his forehaed, then the tip of his nose. His eyes fluttered open as i pressed small kisses on his face gently. He sighed, "Im awake you idiot!" His face was red "Why... why did you kiss me?" His voice held embarrassment, poorly concealed by mock anger. Redness slowly crept its way into his face. "Im sorry! Please dont be mad!" Lukas looked at me, his stoic look still im place, slowly he moved towards me his lips brushed mine gently, it was warm i didnt want this small kiss to end. Lukas pulled back his face darker red and mumbled something. I sunk down into the bed my head buzzing my lips tingling. Lukas curled back against me snoring softly, I drapped my arm over him and slowly fell asleep.

Yay!!! I got a chapter done finally!!!!

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