chapter 2 Adjusting

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I watched sadly as Emil refused to move from his spot on the ground, very now and then he would shift position causing sand to puff up around him. Matthias had finally convinced him to eat a small amount of food. "That's it!" Matthias would encourage only for Emil to smack him with his tail. I grabbed Emil and pulled him into a hug, be thrashed around untill he realized who was holding him. "Emil you have to eat."
"No." His response hadn't changed in the past two days. "Emil it's for your own good."
"What! Just like this was!" He motioned to himself "Lukas I never wanted this! I want to go back home!"
"You would have died! At least try to get used to it." He looked up at me his eyes shining with distress. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." I let my expression soften as I mumbled soothing word to him.

That evening Emil ate a normal amount a small smile on his face. Matthias gave me a questioning look I just shrugged. Over the course of a week Emil became happier, he adjusted well to his new life dispite the rough start. Matthias seemed to love out company, quite often getting way to close for my comfort.

Just a quick update, I'm dealing with writers block so it might be a little bit before I update again.

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