The New Arrival!

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I get out the taxi and stand there staring at the mansion. "Wow... this place is huge... I cant believe I am living here" I go to get my suitcase but find it gone. I look around and find it by the door. I went to the door and suddenly someone whispered in my ear. "Hmm... You smell delicious Bitch-Chan." I turned around and find a tall handsome boy with a fedora and auburn hair. He staresd at me with his piercing emerald eyes.


I saw a beautiful girl with (H/C) hair get out of a taxi, this mustv'e been the girl we were told about. I decided to take her suitcase and move it just as a tease and she started freaking out a bit, so I placed it by the front door. When she went over I confronted her. After scaring her she muttered "Hi, I'm (Y/N) are you one of the residents here"


I stood there and introduced myself and he just started into my (E/C) eyes. I stared back into his emerald eyes and he leant in and kissed me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the door slowly kissing his way down to my neck. He was about to do something as I heard a big inhale then someone called out "Laito... Do not do that on the front door" The fedora wearing person pulled away and I saw a boy with dark hair and glasses.


I am exiting the limo after a visit somewhere elsewhere. I notice this unfamiliar girl and Laito pinning her onto the door. I told him to get off.


(Y/N) stood in shock and Reiji introduced himself and Laito. He directed her inside.

This is my first x reader fan-fic so it may not be that good so please bear with me whilst I get a hang of it.

The Secret Sister (Diabolik Lovers X Reader Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now