Chapter 3

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I woke up a few hours ago with Luis right beside me, carrying me. I asked "Where are we?"
He said "I don't know, on highway 59."
Luis dropped me and we started walking towards a gas station. We asked him "Excuse me sir do you know where we are at?"
He said "Well you're in Brattleboro, Vermon. y".
We left the store and said thank you on the way out but I quickly turned to Luis and said "Why the hell are we in Vermont!?"
"I don't know after the crash you got knock out and I swam and saved you and I started walking West. We need to find out who called me at my mom's. How though? We can go to the police station and look up the phone calls between 3:00 and 4:00 with my number."
"Tom were wanted for muder and escaping prison I don't think we can just walk in. We need to dress up like a cop and then we can just slip in and slip out. How are we going to get the outfit anyways? We're going to call the cops and beat them up and strip them of their outfits. Are you crazy Tom, they have guns and tazers! We can sneak up on them. Tommy that doesn't change the fact that they have guns and tazers."
"You in or not Luis?"
"I'm in but we're putting our self in danger. We are already in danger by leaving jail because that man was going to kill us."
We called the police and we were hiding in the woods so they wouldn't see us. The police cru

iser pulled into the gravel road and got out. One of the men said "Hello anyone there?"
They walked around and we flanked them and I knock one of them with a big stick and Luis hit the other cop over the head with his fist. We stole their outfits and put there body's in the woods so no one could find them. Luis said "Hopefully no one will find their body's."
"No one will unless they are looking for them."
We stole their cop car and went to the poilce station.
"Just as I said Luis we are going to slip in and slip out of here just keep your cool, ok."
"I don't know Tommy won't they realize that were not cops?"
"We have the outfits we're fine."
We walked and everyone look at us. We keep walking and went right to the computer and look up calls between 3:00 and 4:00 and put in my number. We tried to find out who was the man that wanted to kill us. It said that the phone call as at a gas staion five miles from here. So we were starting to walk out when a police officer stoped us and ask "Are you two new here or something I've never seen you here before?"
Luis freaked out and started running so the cop sceamed "Stop!"
The officer pulled out his tazer and I kick him in the nuts and kneed him in the head. I ran after Luis and asked him Luis "Why did you run away?"
Luis answered "Because he caught us."
"No he didn't but we need to go now!" So we ran out of the room and got in the police car and went to where the phone call was made. We ask the man at the counter "Did you see a suspicious looking man walk in and ask to use your phone?"
The man said "Well there was only one guy that came in and used our phone, he said his name was Juang Lovein."
"Wait what!"
Luis asked me "What's wrong".
"That guy is related to me. Why would your own family kill each other?"
"I don't know Luis but we need to find out where he is."
"How are we going to do that, theirs no way I'm going back to the staion Tommy!"
"We're not going back I know a guy who can help us let me call him."
So I went back to the gas station and asked the man "Can I borrow your phone?"
He said "Why not, go ahead." So I picked up the phone and called my uncle Brad and said "Hey it's me Tommy can you do me a favor?"
"Well it depends of what kind of favor it is."
"I need you to go on your computer and look up where uncle Juang last know location."
"Why do you need to talk to Juang?"  "It's a long story just do it."
"Okay here let me get back to you."
In a few minutes Brad came back and said "His last known location was at a hotel ten minutes ago."
"Where is it Brad?"
"520 Rockstreet SW."
"Thank you."
I hung up the phone and said to Luis  "Get in the car were going to a hotel."
So Luis got into the car and drove to the hotel when we got there and asked the man "What room is Juang Lovein in?"
"We need some authorization then."
I pulled out my license and the man gave us a long stare and said "Ok room 137."
So we went down the hallway and Luis stop me and said "Don't you think he is going to know who we are if we knock on the door?"
I said "You're right let's go get some clothes that the employees wear and pretend to be housekeeping."
So we went into the breakout room and grab some clothes and went and knocked on the door, "Housekeeping." He replied "Not now please, come back later."
I could not just keep knocking on the door so I busted the door down and there he was. He said "Well you found me."
He pulled out a tazer and shot Luis with it. "No Luis. That's so that fucking monkey doesn't go Tarzan on me."
I ran at him and tried to punch him but he got away too quick and shot the tazer at me. Thankfully he missed and I came at him again. He got knock down and he kick me on the face as I was coming down on top of him. I felt my nose, it was bleeding. He finally pulled out a gun and said "That's enough!"
He started to point the gun at Luis.
"Let me go or I'll kill him."
Luis was defenseless, he was on the ground out cold. I said "Ok fine just don't kill him." He continued to point the gun at Luis and left. Luis woke up and said "What happened?"
He shot you with a tazer and left. "You let him leave!?"
"He had a gun pointed at your head Luis!"
"I didn't want him to kill you!"
"Where is he now?"
"I don't know he left."
"Well I'm not letting him get away." "He has a gun Luis!"
But he already left so I ran after him and Luis was chasing a car.
"That's him Tommy!"
Luis and I got into the car and chased him. "Oh we got him baby." Luis said,
We started to ran him in the bumper back he kept it steady. We turned on to the highway and kept on him. He rolled down the window and started to shot at us. The cars on the highway started to freak out and hit us into the exit. Luis broke the fence at the end of the exit which got us back on him. He shot at us again and one of the cars rammed him and he crashed into another car. It started to rack up and we crashed into the wreck and Luis flew out the window and I got knocked out.

Edited by makayla22p and hannahandskittles

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