Chapter 5

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Voilet started to drive and Luis and I looked back to see I their was any cops behide us. I thought we were clear but as soon as I said that two cop cars turned the corner. Voilet pushed on the gas and took a right. We were on the highway that we crashed on earlier and Luis said "I don't have a good feeling about this."
"It's our only choice Luis." I said
All the firemen and police cars were cleared out so we could get thorough. The cops were trailing behind us and started to ram the side of the car. We kept the car steady and pulled off the highway on to the gravel road. One of the cops turned to late and crashed right into a tree but the other cop was still after us. Voilet was drifting around corner and so was the cop but he took a turn too sharp so he also crashed into a tree. Voilet pulled back on to the road and asked "What the hell was that for!"
"Calm down ok we are just... wanted" I said
"Why are you wanted?" She asked
"Ok listen I got framed for killing my father and got put in jail so we broke out and now we're wanted."
She looked at us if as she thought we were going to kill her. She said "know what have the car have the money and just don't kill me please."
I said "were not going to kill you ok I was framed please believe me if we were going to kill you wouldnt we kill you by now?"
"I guess your right." She replied
"You guys need to stay in the very back of the car ok don't get anywhere near me." She yelled
We said "Ok we will stay back here."
We drove to the train staion and bought tickets. We got on the train and road to New York. We were on the way there and Voilet came up to me and asked "So how were you framed?
"My uncle Juang Lovein framed me for killing my father."
"Really, how?" She asked
I said "He shot my dad and my finger prints were on the gun."
"How does that even work?" She said
I said "I don't know but it just does."
She left after that and went back to her seat. Luis came over and asked me "What was that about?"
I said "Don't worry about it, ok."
Luis nodded and went back to his seat. It was a few hours later when we got off the train and got on to a bus towards a hotel to sleep. Me and Luis got room 364 and Voilet got room 234. Luis and I walk to our room to go to sleep when voilet knocked on the door. I opened the door and said "You need something Voilet?"
She said "No I just wanted to ask if you and Luis wanted to go swimming?"
I said "Sure why not."
We put on some shorts since we had no swim suits. But voilet had a swim suit so we all went down a started to swim. A few hours past and we sat in the hot tub when voilet asked me "This is nice isn't it?"
I said "Yea it is very nice."
Luis left to go to bed but me and Voilet stayed at the hot tub. Voilet asked me " So how did you and Luis meet?"
I said "Me and him met at the prison that him and I went to."
You said "Really and you two just trusted each other after that?"
"Well we had to because we had nobody after we left the prison." I said
"Wow, I'm sorry that must be awful." She said
I said "Thats fine it's my cousin's fault."
She said "Still, I'm still sorry."
A few minutes later I got out of the hot tub and walked up to me and Luis room. When I walked in Luis was sitting on one of the beds and watching T.V. He look at me and went to sleep so I got in my bed and went to sleep. The next morning me and Luis waited for breakfast to eat and we called Voilet off the hotel phone to to ask ger if she wanted to come down to our room to eat breakfast. And she said "Yea, sure."
So we were all taking the elevator is when a housekeeper came up to us and said "It will all be over,soon, very soon."
The housekeeper walked away and me and Luis looked at each other and said "What does that mean?"
Voilet said "What does what mean?"
I said "Just don't worry about it, ok."
She nooded and walked towards the breakfast area. Luis got waffles and I got pancakes and coffee and Voilet just got a muffin. After we were done me and Luis walked to our room when we open the door the room was trashed! We looked around and fianlly said "Why would someone trash our room?"
Luis said "Is it a sign?"
He also said "Is it a sign of danger?"
I said "I don't know but I think it was that housekeeper we ran into earlier."
We walked down to the front desk and asked "Did any housekeeper come and clean room 365?"
The man said "Oh, yea someone did our housekeeper Juang."
I said "Juang Lovein?"
He said "Yea how do you know him?"
I said "He is my uncle."
He said "Oh I can call down and get him."
I said "No, can I just go get him?"
He said "Why not, you guys are family."
Me and Luis went to the break room and opened the door and said "Juang, you in here?"
It was pich black and we couldn't fun the lights. It was a very big break room, we started walking around when we heard a "bang" on the door. We yelled "Who's there?"
The lights quickly turned back on and Luis again got tazered by Juang. Luis fell down and Juang said "Well that was easy."
I said "Your dead" and charged at him
I punched him right in the face and he fell down. He got back up and shot me with the tazer. I tried to fight it and took one more swing but I fell down, out cold.

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