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When Frank hears about Gerard's first kiss, he pretends to be happy for him.


Frank heard a knocking on his bedroom door. "Come in!" he called. The door opened, revealing a giddy Gerard, bouncing on his toes as he skipped into the room happily.

"Frankie!" Gerard squealed. He hopped onto Frank's bed, sitting down next to the confused boy, though he hardly stayed in one place.

"What's up, Gee?" Frank asked, laughing a bit at Gerard's behavior.

"Oh, you'll never believe it! I'm so happy!" Gerard said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well why are you happy?" Frank questioned.

"I just had my first kiss!" Gerard exclaimed with excitement, his eyes shining with an energetic gleam.

"Oh," was all Frank said. His mood suddenly dropped, falling into a deep pit of despair and loneliness. He should be happy for his best friend, but he just couldnt bring himself to be. The poor 14 year old boy was hopelessly in love with Gerard.

Gerard looked at him in confusion. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. Frank quickly put on a fake smile, though it looked more like a grimace, and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm just surprised is all," Frank lied-- though it wasn't a complete lie. He was surprised, but that wasn't why he was acting the way he was.

"Aw, don't say that! You can't be that surprised that my gorgeous self finally got kissed!" Gerard joked. Frank tried his hardest to make his laugh sound realistic.

"You're so vain," Frank rolled his eyes.  Gerard playfully slapped him on the arm.

"Am not!" he pouted. He looked so cute when he pouted. That's not to say he wasn't cute all the time because he was. It was no wonder someone wanted to kiss him.

"So who was it?" Frank asked, not really wanting to know, only asking so that he could glare at the person silently for the rest of his life.

"Pete Wentz!" Gerard said happily, as if it was totally normal for popular high school sophomore, Pete Wentz, to be kissing middle school loser, Gerard Way.

"How?" Frank asked, because he was genuinely curious.

"I saw him at the grocery store and he offered to take me out for ice cream!" Gerard explained. Frank raised an eyebrow.

"And he kissed you?" he asked skeptically.

"Yup!" Gerard said proudly, sitting up and puffing out his chest. Frank bit his lip as he stared at his friend. How could Pete Wentz have gotten there first!? Everyone knew Pete, but no one knew Gerard (or Frank, for that matter).

"It was honestly the best feeling ever," Gerard continued, sighing contentedly. Frank really didn't want to hear more, but he wouldn't dare tell Gerard to stop because that would spark questions, and questions would lead to answers, and answers would lead to the ruin of their friendship. Simple.

"Yeah?" Frank tried to pretend to be interested.

"Definitely. It was a little weird at first, but once you get used to it, it's awesome," Gerard closed his eyes, reliving the experience.

"That's cool," Frank responded distantly, trying to think of other things to distract himself from the aching in his heart.

He should have been Gerard's first kiss. He should be the one causing Gerard to act all giggly and happy. He should be the one Gerard kept going on about to anyone that would listen for the next week.

But he wasn't. He was just Frank, Gerard's best friend.

this is not going to be a happy fic. might make a happy ending, might not. this is also unedited, so if there are any mistakes, please kindly point them out so I can fix them.

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