This is a story about - Anchal, Shantanu and Reyansh. Anchal and Reyansh are dating and Shantanu was Reyansh's childhood friend. Pretty soon, due to the college being the same they all start hanging out together and become very close friends until o...
It really was over. When I realised that I was wrecking a relationship more important to him I left. I didn't just talk about it. I actually left.
And did he care? Not even slightly. I see him in college daily. I find out about his snaps from Reyansh. He is happy with her. Things are back to normal in his world. He has zero fucks to give to everyone. He barely cares that he has lost a friend. A really good friend that cared about him more than anyone ever can. Reyansh is still friends with him. I didn't want to be the one to tell Reyansh to stop talking to him. I am not that kind. I don't feel bad seeing them talk. I rather really don't care.
People are foolish. They spend time running after people who wouldn't make any efforts to keep them in their lives. They then cry out loud -"Why me?"
This is why. You ignore and hurt those people who really care about you. You ignore them. You make them cry. You make them feel like the dumbest person ever. But this is not how their life ends. The good people always find someone much better and the one who they deserve. The bad people however, face their karma.
I know everyone who was reading my story was expecting that Aanchal (I) is madly in love with Shan. But that is what is wrong with us. People can be best of friends and still care for each other like that. Best friends are like that. They never fall in love in a lovey-dovey manner. They care for each other. They platonically love each other. But they don't generally fall in love and make things complicated.
As far as I am concerned, i am taking some time to recover from having lost a friend (being the emotional kind) but I am happy. Because with every person that has left me broken, I have learnt a lesson. With this one I learnt - Don't get attached too soon. And if you do- don't trust anyone blindly. You may never know when people may turn their back on you. You are the only one for yourself. Always be self sufficient and a little selfish. No one else really matters.
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