Chapter 7

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{Chapter 7: You make me begin}

Your POV


The front door opened and Hikaru ran to me with heat phone out. "(Y/N)-Ah! Can we do the quiz answers now?" Hikaru asked. "Where's the pizza." I said and she sighed. "They were closed so I brought you a blueberry popsicle~!" Hikaru said and handed me a popsicle.

"Those bastards." I said and unwrapped the popsicle and put it in my mouth. "It's good though." I said with the popsicle in my mouth. "Okay, first question!" Hikaru started and I nodded.

Hikaru's POV


Good thing Taehyung gave me questions to ask (Y/n), i'm too tired to come up with them. "What personality does he have to have?" I asked and (Y/n) brought her hand up to her chin.

"Uh... I don't know." (Y/n) answered. "Oh come on! Wait, here are some answers I came up with myself, just choose one yourself!" I said and showed her some answers. "..I think i'd go with the caring guy." (Y/n) answered and I typed it down.

"What do you expect from him?" I asked and (y/n) gave me a too-tired-to-think look. I showed her some answers and she yawned. "Boring." she said and I groaned. "...I'd expect him to be there for me? I don't know." (Y/n) answered and I quickly nodded.


Your POV

My alarm went off so I groaned once again. It stopped immediately after, which made me worried. I opened my left eye seeing Hikaru already in her clothes for the concert.

"Why are you already dressed up?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Because the concert starts in 4 hours and you have to be there early. You've slept too much once again." Hikaru answered and I widened my eyes.

"You're right! Darnit I wanna sleep." I whined and quickly stood up. "Everyone does, now, here are your clothes." Hikaru handed me my dress and shoes so I ran to the bathroom and got changed.

"Can i come in yet?" Hikaru asked. I looked in the mirror and sighed. "Sure, I don't know if it looks good but..." I answered and she gasped when she opened the door. "You look HAWT GURL" she yelled and jumped up and down.

"How can you jump in high heels?" I asked and she laughed. "Anyways, i'll help you do your hair." Hikaru smiled and got her brush ready.


"And.. done!" Hikaru handed me a mirror and I looked into it. "It's nice, thanks Hikaru-ah!" I smiled and gave her a small hug. "It's 3.25 already! You have to get your butt out of the door! I'll see you at 4.30 backstage!" Hikaru waved and handed me my bag before closing the door to the apartment.


I stepped out of the car and people on the streets already looked at me. I awkwardly waved and speed walked inside, almost tripped over a plant pot but I didn't fall!

Miss. Hyong gasped and ran up to me in awe. "Miss. (L/n), you look stunning!" she said and I smiled. "Thank you, miss. Hyong~!" I said and she nodded. "BTS is practicing now, but they will get ready at any moment now." she said and I nodded.


The door of BTS their room opened and they walked to the lounge where Areum (Miss. Hyong) and I were talking. "(Y/n)!" I heard several voices so I looked and waved at the seven boys.

I stood up from the chair and smiled. "Hi there! Ready for the concert?" I asked and they all nodded. "(Y/n), those are some really nice clothes!" Jin said and walked around me. "T-Thanks." I answered.

"You look adorable~!" Jin laughed and I laughed with him. "Well, thanks to Jungkook and Jimin I got this dress so you should also thank them." I said and Jin's eyes widened.

"Those two?" he asked and I nodded. "It was nothing, you really liked that dress." Jungkook said. "We only helped a little bit." Jumin said and Jin gave them a small thumbs up. I looked around seeing V on his knees in the back, so I walked closer and saw him giving a little kid a high-five.

"Good luck on your show!" the kid smiled and hugged Taehyung before waving him goodbye. V waved back and watched him and his mother leave safely. "He's cute." I said and looked at the kid as well. "Yeah, he is. He's my nephew." V said and stood back up.

"Nice dress." he said and I smiled. "Thanks!" I answered and he nodded.


"Check check, one two three?" Rap monster said through the mic and I gave him a thumbs up. "Light 5 on!" I said and the person lit on light 5. I put a check on light and looked at the rest on the list.

"Camera B1, where are you?" I asked with a slight yell and the cameraman waved. Someone grabbed onto my shoulder and I flinched. Hikaru was standing there and my eyes widened. "Y-You're early!" I said and she nodded.

"V let me in!" Hikaru smiled and I nodded slightly. "..Yeah. Go on with what you're doing." I said and walked to Jimin.

"Jimin, I noticed your mic isn't right." I said and Jimin frowned slightly. "Really? Could you check it please?" Jimin asked and I nodded. After some time I put it back on it's place. "One two, three?" Jimin said and the mic worked. "Thanks, (N/n)!" Jimin smiled and I smiled back. "Good luck!" I said before walking off.

"Hey, (Y/n)-ah!! You know that Jimin's MY bias!" Hikaru pouted and I nodded. "So? I work for them, it's my duty to let the concert be a success, not a flop." I answered and she pouted. "You could let me do the mic thing!" she whined.

"Why don't you help V with his stuff, if you like him that much like you did yesterday." I said and walked back to Ryu.

"So, are the songs ready?" I asked and Ryu nodded. "All in order." he said and I nodded. "Good. Thanks, Ryu." I said and put it on paper. "(Y/n), can you help?!" I heard a voice yelling, one of the boys probably. I ran back up to the stage to see everyone of the boys laying on V for some reason.

I tried holding in my laughter and walked closer. "What going on?" I asked, slight giggles coming out. "Making jealous people fall for eachother!" J-Hope said and I frowned. "Good luck with... whatever you guys are doing. But please, don't go lay on top of eachother before you ruin the clothes." I exclaimed and they nodded.

They got off of V and I helped him up. "Thank you~!" V smiled and I nodded. "(N/n)-ah!" Suga yelled and I groaned. "What now?" I asked and walked over to Suga. "I am the swag master, right?" he asked. "Why?" I asked. "Just answer my question!" Suga said and I quickly nodded. "Yeah, sure, you're the swag master" I said and Suga dabbed.

"I knew it! Proved you wrong!" He ran around the stage and J-Hope pouted. "Don't worry, you're the Hope of the band, remember?" I reminded J-Hope and he smiled. "You're right, thanks!" he said and I nodded.


"Okay, everyone! Meet and greet is starting!" I yelled and walked back backstage. "Wait!" V yelled and grabbed my wrist once again. "Will you stay at the side if something happens?" he asked.

{A/N}: Hah, the struggle of a international fan, am i right. it's hard seeing all the Korean fans have fun with BTS T_T

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