Chapter 17

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{Chapter 17: A confusing phone call}

--Word Count: 990--

Your POV


"Taehyung... what are you doing in my bed?" I asked sleepily with my morning voice. Taehyung didn't say anything, instead he cuddled closer to me. My eyes widened at his action and I backed away to the wall.

After a while of trying to wake Taehyung up, I saw him opening one of his eyes, looking deep into mine. His eyes widened and he rolled out of my bed, landing on the ground.

"Again, what were you doing?" I asked and rubbed one of my eyes. I searched for my phone with my other hand and looked at the time: 7:13 am.

"I'm so sorry." he whispered and went back to his bed without making any eye contact with me. I frowned and sat up, getting hit by the bed above me and I groaned lightly.

"Great way to wake up..." I muttered and grabbed some clothes out of my bag.


Once I stepped out of the bathroom I smelled something good coming from the kitchen, so I walked towards it and saw Jin cooking.

"Good morning." I smiled lightly and stood besides Jin, looking at what he's making. "Oh, good morning, (Y/n). You're up early." he said and I nodded. "What're you making?" I asked, grabbing cups to put them on the table.

"Pancakes." he answered simply and I nodded once again, now putting plates on the table. "(Y/n), you don't have to help me you know." Jin said. "But I want to. It's just sad seeing you do all the stuff." I pouted and put the cutlery on the table besides the plates.

Taehyung' POV

Why am I feeling so weird seeing (Y/n) helping Jin in the kitchen? I glared a bit at Jin's head from the doorway where I stood and grabbed my phone. I put my earbuds in and played some music.

I nonchalantly walked into the kitchen and grabbed some orange juice out of the fridge, putting it on the table as well.

"Good morning, Taehyung." Jin said and I simply nodded. "What a greeting." he added and I could hear (Y/n) giggle slightly. "Thanks for helping in the kitchen for-" Jin started but stopped when I walked to the couch.

"...the first time." he sighed at the end and (Y/n) was laughing. 'Why is she laughing with Jin? She should be laughing with me, just like yesterday...' I went back to my phone and saw that my dad called me 53 minutes ago.

I quickly called my dad back and he answered immediately. Was he waiting for me to call him back?

"Hello, dad~!" I said happily and walked into the bathroom for some privacy.

"Taehyung, can you come back to Daegu for some time?" he asked and I frowned. "I'm on vacation with the band members now though..." I answered. "Why?" I added and I could hear his heavy breathing.

"Your grandmother has passed away." he said in between some gaps and my eyes widened. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I was shocked, confused about how... I thought she was healthy? I thought she was okay? How could this happen?

"...I'm so sorry." he said and I hung up the phone. I threw my phone to the wall and grabbed onto the sink, letting all my tears out.

Your POV

I heard a loud noise coming from the bathroom, causing the plate of pancakes to almost fall on the ground. I quickly put the plate on the table and excused myself to Jin to go check the bathroom.

I knocked on the door and waited for an answer; I didn't get one though. "..Hello?" I said quietly and I could hear small sobs from the other side of the door. I tried opening it, but it was locked.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" I asked and put my ear to the door, waiting for an answer to come. The door opened quickly and they dragged me inside. They locked the door quickly after and
put their head on the door, still sobbing.

By this time, I noticed it was Taehyung. 'Is he crying? ...Why?' I softly grabbed onto his shoulder and turned him around to face me. His eyes were red and puffy, his clothes were soaking wet and there were still tears coming out of his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked silently, trying to cheer him up a bit. His sobs felt like sharp knifes stabbing through me just by how they sounded. I gave him a hug and pat his back gently. His head was on my left shoulder while he was still crying.

"..(Y/n)-ah.." he sobbed and I looked back at him. He wiped some of his tears off and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"...I think I lost my way." he said.

{A/N}: omg this is such a short chapter but I've finally updated fast though. 😂 I just wanted to tell you 2 things.

1: This story could end in about 3 to 10 chapters. 😳😣 But once it ends, i'll make sure to start on the remaining band members, starting off with Jimin. Plus, maybe I'll make some extra one shot chapters to this book.

2: Sooo.. right now I'm in Romania and we went shopping some days ago and at one of the shops they had only one more shirt that had the word 'Lost' on it so I had to buy it!! Here's a live photo of me wearing it with ma shades like the gangster I am

 right now I'm in Romania and we went shopping some days ago and at one of the shops they had only one more shirt that had the word 'Lost' on it so I had to buy it!! Here's a live photo of me wearing it with ma shades like the gangster I am

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oh lord just noticed you can see my phone through the shades 😂 I also got a haircut and idk if I like it. Anyways, thank you for reading this far!

Don't be a shy reader and tell me what you think~!

Ideas and advice are always welcome and remember to stay alive!

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