Chapter 15

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{Chapter 15: Ice cream!}

--Word count: 1451 words--


Jungkook's POV


I quickly gave (Y/n) a piggy back ride to the apartment we'd be staying in for that free ice cream. I hope V Hyung will get me the cookies and cream flavor, I want it so bad!

I quickly put (Y/n) in one of the beds and she pouted with her eyes closed. "I don't nap.." she muttered and grabbed a pillow and threw it lazily at me. I gasped and threw it back

"You better thank me, noona you're gonna sleep, i'm getting ice cream now." I crossed my arms. "I want one.. too.." she muttered and I sighed. "You had to say that to V hyung, he will get me one for free." I smiled at the thought of free food and grabbed the handle of the door.

"I'll come with you!" (Y/n) stood up from the bed and I groaned. "Oh come on! I just tucked you in for nothing!" I pouted and (Y/n) grinned and put on her shoes. "By the way, why are we at the beach?" she asked and then it hit her.

"Ooh.. So that's the surprise place Jin was talking about." she said and I nodded. "You sure you don't want to sleep?" I asked and she nodded. "Positive, now let's go, I want ice cream too!" she grabbed her purse and dragged me outside the apartment.

Jin's POV

"One vanilla, please." I smiled at the cashier who gave me my ice cream cone. I gave the man some money and pet the cone of my ice cream.

"So beautiful in the sunlight. It'll be even more beautiful in my stomach." I took a bite of the ice cream and smiled. I saw (Y/n) and Jungkook running out of the apartment and I frowned.

"Dongsaeng, wasn't (Y/n) supposed to be sleeping?" I asked and V nodded. I pointed at (Y/n) dragging Jungkook over and V gasped.

"(Y/n)-ah! I told you to go sleep!" V pouted and she laughed. "I want ice cream too!" she pouted back and Jungkook sighed. "As long as I get my cookies and cream flavored ice cream i'm okay." he said and V gave Jungkook the ice cream he bought.

"YES! Thank you, hyung!" Jungkook smiled as he ate from the free ice cream he got.

No one's POV

"This is not cookies and cream." Jungkook glared at his ice cream and V's eyes widened. He looked at his ice cream and quickly switched them. "I switched them up, sorry!" he laughed and pouted at the ice cream Jungkook already ate of his chocolate chip cookie dough flavored ice cream.

"Where did you get that ice cream?" (Y/n) asked, wanting to buy one as well. "We got it from the ice cream van over there." Jin smiled and (Y/n) nodded. She turned around and saw that the van was about to leave.

"No, don't leave yet!" she sobbed and ran after the van who was riding away. "I have money! Now give me ice cream!" she was still running after the van but they didn't stop. (Y/n) stopped running and turned around, sad that it left without giving her ice cream.

"Woah, you're a fast runner!" V laughed while (Y/n) was breathing heavily. "I'm normally faster for (favorite food)... Guess I won't have ice cream today." she said and the both of them walked back to the remaining members.

"Here, you can have some of mine." V smiled and handed (Y/n) his ice cream. "You sure? I mean, half of the members already licked it, not that I find you guys disgusting but are you-" she stuttered and V cut her off by putting the ice cream in her mouth, covering some of her face with it as well.

"Yah, pabo!" (Y/n) pouted and V started to laugh. "...Well, is the ice cream good?" V asked and took the ice cream cone back and took a bite, karma hit him and he got a brainfreeze.

"It's too cold!" V whined. "Karma hit you real good this time!" (Y/n) answered and cleaned her face off with a tissue. "But to answer your question, yes, it was very good." she said and V laughed.

"Guys! Can we go to the ocean? I wanna go swim!" J-Hope said and pointed at the beach that was close by. "Can we?" he added a pout and everyone sighed, giving in. Everyone agreed on going to the beach, after they got their stuff.

"Um... guys?" Jimin gulped and everyone looked at him. "I think I lost my suitcase." he said and everyone groaned. "Are you really that stupid, Jimin?" Namjoon asked and Jimin giggled nervously. Namjoon searched for his phone and his eyes widened.

"What? Don't tell me you lost your-" Jin started and Namjoon made a derp face while nodding. "Yay, i'm not the only one who's losing stuff!" Jimin put his hands in the air and the remaining members facepalmed.


After searching, they found Jimin's suitcase and it seemed that Namjoon had his phone in the pocket of his shirt the whole time. Everyone grabbed their stuff for the beach already and they were ready to explore!

Your POV

"This place looks really nice!" Namjoon smiled at the sun going down slowly. "I need to take a pic, wait for me." Suga said and grabbed out his camera. "Undah the sea!" J-Hope sang and I facepalmed. "Undah the sea!" he yelled and clapped his hands at me, forcing me to sing with him.

"Wooh, under the sea!" I said sarcastically and J-Hope gasped. "That was sarcastic." he said and I nodded. We stared at eachother for a while but J-Hope broke the staring competition. "OSA CAR!! OSA CAR!!" he sang and I groaned. "VROOM VROOM!!" he yelled even louder and everyone started to look at all of us.

"(Y/n)-ah! I heard that there's an amusement park nearby, wanna go there with me?" V asked and I nodded. "Where are you guys going?" Jungkook asked loudly and the rest of the members looked in our direction.

"...Nowhere." both of us said and Jungkook frowned. He looked in the direction we were heading to and gasped. "Hyungs! There's an amusement park!" Jungkook yelled and everyone grabbed their stuff and ran to the park, well, Suga walked, but he doesn't run.

V and I groaned while Jungkook was smiling. "What are you guys waiting for-- oh... You two wanted to go there? Alone?" Jungkook said and we nodded. "Oh, good luck with that! See ya, hyung and noona!" Jungkook waved us goodbye before running after the rest of the members.

"Dasi run run run." I pouted and V giggled. "Maybe we should follow them, it will be fun." V suggested and I nodded. "As long as I don't hear J-Hope yelling 'under the sea' or 'osa car' i'm okay." I said and V laughed.

2nd person POV

You and V were taking your time getting to the amusement park talking about random stuff, just like always, but more fun once you got closer to V. Each day you learned more about him and his cute and funny personality.

But what you didn't notice is, is that photographers and fans were sneaking pictures. And I mean A LOT, not just one or two... I wonder where those will end up, and who told the press and fans BTS were staying there...

But THAT is for another time... You'll know yourself if you paid attention to all the characters in the story until now, and further on.

{A/N}: Yo ssup sorry for the cliffhanger but I don't wanna leave you guys in empty arms, since it's almost my birthday (april first hah im a joke) I don't think i'll be able to update soon, and on the 5th of april my family and I are going to my grandparents' land, Romania mate.

And i'm afraid of heights, and guess what. We're going with a plane. Life is just great, ain't it? The flight will take around 2 hours and than 1 to 2 more hours riding with the car. But when i'm there, i'll update, I promise! ^-^

Since i'm a vampire u don't get the chance to cash me ousside how bow dah so i'll be staying inside for almost 2 weeks. Yay. Anyways, MiraculousJoshler aka satan because that's what people call me at school, OUT!

Don't be a shy reader and tell me what you think~!

Ideas and advice are always welcome, and remember, stay alive!

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