Chapter 20

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{Chapter 20: What about us?}

--Word Count: 1514 words--

Your POV


Once my father hung up, I frowned. 'What does he want now? Is he having problems with that annoying woman again?' I placed my phone on my bedside table and sat down on my bed.

--10 Years ago: (Y/n) is 12 in this ((Korean years))--

"I'm home!" I yelled through the house and closed the door behind me. I threw my backpack in the small hall and walked into the living room to see my dad crying once again. I sighed and shook my head.

"What did Sumi do now?" I asked and sat down beside my dad. He quickly wiped his tears away and smiled at me. "What do you mean, nae tall ((my daughter))?" he laughed and rubbed my back. "Appa, you were crying." I said with a serious tone and he frowned.

"I wasn't, It's probably because of the drama I'm watching." he answered and pointed at the television. "The tv isn't even on." I said and rolled my eyes. "You should mind your own business, okay (Y/n)? You're not old enough to understand." he answered with an angry tone and I sighed.

"I just want to help you..." I said and he glared at me. "You won't understand, I told you already!" he yelled and I covered my ears. "Mianhae, appa ((sorry, dad))" I stuttered. "Why are you sorry, huh?!" he said and I quickly stood up and walked towarss the stairs.

"Ya! Do your homework!" he yelled but I ignored him. "You're grounded!" he yelled while tears slowly formed in my eyes. I ran upstairs to my room, muffled cries were heard from downstairs. "...All I wanted to do was help though..." I muttered and wiped my tears off.

--5 years ago: (Y/n) is 17 in this ((Korean years))--

"I'll see you tonight then, okay jagi?" Jung-si said and kissed my forehead. "Yeah, see you." I smiled awkwardly and waved at him before walking inside my house.

"Who was that?" my father asked. "No one." I answered and placed my bag on the chair. "I'm telling you, boys are monsters so stay away from them." he said. "So you're saying I should stay away from you? Because I'm fine with that plus you can't tell me what to do. I'm old enough now." I crossed my arms and walked upstairs.

--TIME SKIP: 9 pm--

The doorbell rang and my eyes widened. I quickly ran downstairs but my dad was faster than me and opened the door.

"Ya! Who are you?" he asked and Jung-si smiled at him. "Oh, hello mr. (L/n). I'm Jeon Jung-si, (Y/n)'s boyfriend." he smiled and I covered my ears already just in case I won't be deaf by tomorrow.

"She's not allowed to have a boyfriend yet, pabo! Get lost!" my appa yelled and closed the door brutally. "Appa, neomuhae! ((That's unfair))" I yelled and he glared at me. "Or you break up with him or I'll break up with him for you!" he shouted and I ran back upstairs, pissed off.

--The next day--

I walked through the school gates and looked for Jung-si. When I found him I yelled his name and ran towards him.

"Oh... (Y/n)-ssi." he said and I panted. "I'm so sorry about my dad, he-" I started but he cut me off. "No no, it's okay. Fathers are like that." He smiled and I smiled back. "Thank you! So we can go tonight instead! I booked the new romance film in town for the two of us and we can go to the amusement park before that! It's gonna be-" he cut me off once again.

"I got some news for you too." He said and I nodded. He turned around and a tall girl walked towards us and wrapped her arm around Jung-si's. "This is my girlfriend, Nari." he smiled at her and my eyes widened.

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