The Day I Died

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Dear Diary,

I know it's been a while- precisely 27 hours, 16 minutes and a couple of fast moving seconds - since I wrote something down for you. These days I feel kinda dead inside so im not sure how I should feel about that because for the record I am dead, you see.

The hows and whys would probably confuse you to the point where there is no point in me pouring out my feelings here, or you might actually get what I'm going through - not implying that books like you die but whatever.

I was trying to process an image of who could've done this to me- You know to get the *ahem* perspective of it i guess- I wonder if Its a really really really reaaaaaallly hot guy; assumptions made as they put the 'hot' in 'psychotic'. Pfft, my thoughts of need are well classified.

Ah well, I guess today's entry turned out like a Vampire Diaries cliffhanger but I assure you I'll make it up to you when I come back.

And Oh I will.
Hey everyone 😊
My name is Tanseera and this is my first attempt at writing a book

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