"It wasn't me!"

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I pushed the double doors of my bedroom open and scurried over to the banister. Right under me, glasses were flying everywhere. They weren't lying they were going to come back. The werewolves were in their monsturous form and were attacking my family. But there was one I didn't see.....Brett. Suddenly, a soft hand landed over my shoulder, assuming it was my mate I turned around to find BRETT.

"Hey little one" He said smirking as he countinously hardened his grip on my shoulder.

"Let go wolf!" I said in hatred and anger. "I'm warning you."

He just snickered "Don't forget I'm stronger them you!" He said grabbing both of my Arms and pulling me closer "Your only thirteen." That's when I noticed my mate staring at me from the corner of my eyes, as if my face were catching on fire, he stared at me with worry. Then knowing what I was thinking He nodded. I know what I have to do.

"True, but he's not" I said wiping away Bretts smirk and plastering it on my face. Brett seemed confused and unable to proccess what I had just said.

Okay before I countinue let me get you up to date. Eventhough I turned at 13, I don't neccersarly get my powers until i'm 14, but as I most recently learned this morning my 'mate' has his powers because his is in fact 14 ; Therefore, He can do some damage.

Before Brett could proccess what was going on, He was tackled to the ground which loosened his grip on me. His head was tilted slightly to the left, that's when I noticed my 'mate' looking up asking for permission. I nodded, I'm tired of Brett.

Brett wimpered as his neck was biten into and drained. All while this was happening I was caculating everything I knew about my mate. I knew he had powers, but whats his name? I realized I knew less then I thought.

At that moment I felt a gentle breeze and the soothing smell of blood.

"We'll change that, and by the way my name is Lucas!" I turned around and almost jumped out of my skin. His eyes were black with hunger (From the cravings) and Brett's blood was covering his face. He looked....... Demonic. Is this how I look after feeding?

"Yes" He said in a rough, Husky voice "All vampires look like this." He seemed pissed at my stupidity. I'm starting to dislike that mind control.

"Oh" I let out a sigh and a slight nod. I better not ask him any more qeustions while he's in his demonic state.

A few minutes later. Brett's pack burst through the doors and rushed over to their alpha. I could hear faint whispers of "They killed him" and "They must die" in the background. They appeared to have bruises and bite mark all over their skin, for not only could I see it but I can smell it, That means Lucas can too. That's when Lucas rushed from my side and attacked them.

Im a matter of seconds they were drained corpeses, and thats exactly when my family decided to burst through the door. As they examined the bodies they looked up at me. Confused.

"It wasn't me" I said hinting over to Lucas, now sitting in the corner, His blondish hair layed in his face, as if he was trying to meditate, to calm down. Pacing himself he slowly stood up, walked over towards my and kissed my cheek, I didn't move. I was to scared.

My symblings stood still petrified at what just happened, but my dad moved forward. 

"Hmmmmm, I like him!" He said grinning form ear-to-ear. Count on Count Dracula to find the the evil in every situation.

Thirteen Year old DraculaWhere stories live. Discover now