Fire Element

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I'm leaving soon since I can feel the 'full' mate connection, but I decided that I'm not leaving until I get answers. I pushed open the dark, gloomy, black door that lead to the west wing corridor of the castle. I was running through the halls, enoying my new speed, to my fathers office. I knew I was getting close because the scent of dust and despair got stronger. I reached another tall black door and opened it.

My mom, dad and my symblings were all standing around mingling, as though they were waiting for me. When they heard the door creak opened they silenced themselves and turned to me.

"Finally" John said impatiently rolling his eyes, for the second time today. My fathers office was exactly how you would stereotype a 'Prince of darkness' to decorate like. The interior was all dark and decay, from dusty old couches to dark mysterious coffins platered in each corner of the sqaure room. I may not know my dad, but that's not his.

"Earth to Jenna" I snapped out of my scan of the room and glanced at Jenny.

"Sorry" I said slightly raising my shoulders to shrug.

"Okay, now that everyones here....." My father said in a raspy voice, before clearing his throat.

Before he could get his second sentence out my Mom interrupted "First of all Happy Birthday my little ones." She said hugging each and everyone of us.

"Anyways.." He said glaring at my mothers pale face. He doesn't like being interupted, Trust I have done it more then enough times. "As you probably know you have powers" He countined "But you also, as you already may know, are rare vampire Quadruplets, which means your powers are different".

After a qiuck silence he spoke again "I want to know one thing before concluding anything" He says and we nod "Children what were your symptoms?"

Jenny spoke first, She said that she experienced an illusion in which the water was pulling her under. John said he was in an earthqauke and Jordan said he was trapped in a tornado. It was strange that i'm the only one who's illusion acutally harmed them. Then it was my turn "It was like I was Umm.... Trapped in a circle of fire, That's actually how I got these burns" I said shyly holding up my scorched arm. Then seemed to have moved sinced the first time I discovered them and they were more like symbols nows. My father elegantly walked over and examined them. The only word I could hear from under his mumbling breath was "Stange".

Then He backed away as if he never approach me in the first place. "I have came to a conclusion" Those words caught our attention, Eager to hear, We turned around and stiffened of backs respectivly. "Jenna you most definantly have the fire element, Jhon has earth, Jenny has water and Jordan has wind." 

My symblings let out a sign of relief and satisfaction except for me. If my powers are going to do this to me, I'll take a rain check.

My mother clapped he hands together "I knew you guys were special, Congradulations!" I'm not sure why but my mom has been excited and happy eversince dad came back.

"Practice starts at midnight" My father says sternly, Pointing his narrow fingers at the door, Signaly us to exit. I was the first to leave, I had to wrap my mind around my new life, power, 'mate'. Thiking about him made me feel butterflies in my stomach, I'm going to go talk to him.

I going to pay Lucas a visit.

Hey guys this is the author. I hope you guys like it, I'm starting to think people don't. If you do like my stories please vote and comment.

I'm running low on ideas so if you have ideas comment and I will use it in the next chapter along with a shout out. Come up with new characters and a back story too. I hope you guys paticipate and help me out I love writing.

But don't forget to check out my other stories and...:




Most importantly enjoy

Thirteen Year old DraculaWhere stories live. Discover now