ALL : WHO IS THE KING?! *Pull a stick each*
Ouma : Nishishi! I get it! I get the (👑) stick! Mwahahahaha!
Kaito : Pfft..Newlywed luck
Ouma : Wheezee~
Desmond : Okay Ouma san, what do you wanna do?
Ouma : About that... Desmond chan. Follow me
Desmond : U-umm... what for?
Ouma : I have a rather big problem here....
(Shortly, at the Love hotel)
cindystone101 : Ah, welcome back!
*She already on the heart-shaped bed and wore a thread-based lingerie. She pose seductively as if she was ready to be f***ed anytime*
Desmond : *Gulp* I-is this what you call a problem?
Ouma : Pretty much so. Cindy chan keep asking me for more ever since our first night.
Desmond : And how many did you actually do it?
Cindy : Well, he only do twice at our first night...
Desmond : Hmm... Wait a sec... *Rummaging Magic satchel and pull several BDSM books and some toys* Ouma, come here for a minute
Ouma : Yeah? *coming to desmond*
Desmond : *Whispering* Based on several suspects i put to jail bcoz of sexual harrasment, they usually use coercive method to eiher satisfy their target or make them submissive to the rapist. Maybe you can give this a whirl
Ouma : Nishishi.. I see what you're thinking now. I never knew that you're a legimate perv.
Desmond : Grrr... Now do your job while i observing from CCTV. *Left*
(Meanwhile at the Hall)
Ferdinand : Well, what do you think Ouma and Desmond doing?
Kaede : W-wait! D-did they do something naughty!?
Kaito : No way! Although that brat was a legitimate LGBT, Desmond didn't feel the same!
Ki-bo : I must agree. I heard from Kaede that Desmond already had a girlfriend.
Kaede : Nah! You get my point there, Ki-bo san!
Shuuichi : Any volunteer for checking?
Umm... So how should we vote?
Ferdinand : How about playing Jan-Ken-Pon (Rock paper scissors)? Whoever lose will try to find Desmond / Ouma.
Kaito : Good idea! Then it's settled!
(Results : All except Kirumi and Rantarou choose Paper, while both of them was Rock)
Ferdinand : So...Kirumi and Amami?
Rantarou : My, my. I lost
Kirumi : So, we need to find both of them?
Ferdinand : Pretty much! Itterashai!
(Thus they set off)
Shuuichi : Né? What should we do now?
Ferdinand : *Rummaging my backpack* UNO anyone?
(At CCTV Room)
Desmond : Hmm... Let's amplify the voice receiver here... *Tuning the voice*

T o D Danganronpa V3 | On Temporal Hiatus
FanficKaede (Pianist): Hi miina! welcome to this T o D book! Kiibo (Robot): Welcome. Maki (Teacher): Here, we'll answer your question- Kaito (Astronaut): Or deal with dares ya guys brought! Gonta (Entomologist): C'mon ya guys! give the readers a warm welc...