Scenario 4 (MaKaito Lemon)

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All : WHO IS THE KING! ? * Pull a stick each *

Shuuichi : Ah! I get the (👑)

Kaede : So, Shuuichi kun? Who'll u choose?

Inner Kaede : I hope he choose me. Let us-

Shuuichi : Well... Momota san and Harukawa san

Kaede : Okay... What's the order then?

Inner Kaede : Awww.... T.T

Inner Shuuichi : Sorry, Kaede. I promise i'll create the situation where only 2 of us... Beside, this is a dare

Kaito : Eh? What the-

Maki : What should we do then?

Inner Maki : OMG OMG OMG!! Why all of sudden-

Shuuichi : C-come here you two

Maki & Kaito : *Come to Shuuichi*

Shuuichi : *Whispering* U-umm... cindystone101 and OtakuPikinn330 want you to M-make out.

Maki : *Reddened* W-what!?

Kaito : O-oi! Is this the right time to do so, Saihara kun!?

Inner Maki : Yes! Yesss!!!

Ki-bo : So, what's the order, shuuichi-

Shuuichi : *Fainted*

Kaede : S-shuuichi kun!

Desmond : Gonna bring him to infirmary! Meanwhile, the
Order must be carried! *Carry Shuuichi and left*

Ferdinand : I'm curious, what did Shuuichi said to you both?

Maki & Kaito : N-not of your business...

Ferdinand : ......

Maki : *Sweatdropping*

Ferdinand : Okay

Kaede : How gullible...

Kaito : W-well, Saihara kun ask us to tell about our most embarrassing moments. Maybe Saihara Kun fainted bcoz we've shared that when we train...

Maki : *Coughing* About my embarrassing moments... It's when i'm still on duty as Ultimate Assassin.

Kaede : EEEEHHHHH!!!??? S-so the 'Ultimate Nursery Teacher' were-

Maki : Fabricated. Didn't Ferdinand put my true ultimate on the birthday chapter?

Tenko : N-now that you've talked about it...

Maki : Anyway, here's my story... *Tell the story while reddening*

Kaede : You thought that human head was like pineapple before?!

Maki : Yeah.. However, upon being in disguise as nursery teacher, i found that human head was more like soccer ball...

Miu : Ka Ka Ka! Now we've another Birdie Brain here! Ka ka ka!


Miu : *Become coward* F-forgive m-m-me...

Rantarou : Now that Harukawa san story is done, how about you, Momota san?

Kaito : Umm.. That's when i'm attending a rocket simulation.. *Tell the story and laughs*

Kaede : *Laughing* You actually go to that spinning machine, and get your pants ripped!? *laughing*

All exc. Maki & Ki-bo : *Laughing*

Maki : *Softly giggles* How cute..

Ki-bo : Hmm... I never knew that an absurd story can melt the nervousness away..

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