(Previously, Kaede found a plane like hairclip)
Kaede : You know whose hairclip is it? It sure look rather fancy..
Ferdinand : Ah, that hairclip was owned by Chiaki Nanami.
Kaede : Chiaki.. Nanami?
Desmond : Well, she's the Ult. Gamer and she was dead long ago before the tragedy evem begin.
Ferdinand : Must admit we're having difficulties in reviving her...
Kaede : Ah, i'm sorry to hear that...
Ferdinand : But, tell me. How can you find it?
Kaede : Hmm... i remember Hinata san dropped this clip, and i guess he forget about it...
Shuuichi : *comes in* Did i miss something?
Desmond : Yep, Kaede miraculously found the item we needed to revive someone important.
Shuuichi : I overheard that you guys trying to revive Nanami san, am i right?
Ferdinand : Yeah, pretty much.
Desmond : Anyway, today is also Chihiro Fujisaki BD and also-
Shuuichi : *Hug Kaede* Happy White day, Kaede chan.
Kaede : *Hug back* Thank you, Shuuichi kun. *kiss him*
Shuuichi : *Kisses back*
Ferdinand : Guess we were one step behind, eh?
Desmond : Never knew that he can be so bold though...
Ferdinand : Desmond, we need to revive Nanami san rn.
Desmond : Agree.
(I put Nanami hairclip to the machine and turn it on. Moments later, Nanami popped out from the output, albeit her breasts almost get stucked..)
Nanami : mm?
Ferdinand : Hi, you must be Chiaki Nanami right?
Nanami : Yeah.. nice to meet you..
Desmond : Anyway, you're not in heaven rn. This is real world
Nanami : Am i get a continue then?
Ferdinand : Pretty much so.
Kaede : So, you're Nanami san? Nice to meet you, i'm Kaede Akamatsu. Ult. Pianist
Shuuichi : I'm Shuuichi Saihara. Ult. Detective.
Nanami : *Smiles* Nice to meet you two. Wanna play some games?
Ferdinand : Umm.. today is your birthday. So, we can play some games on the party later.
Nanami : Ah, okay... can you let me sleep for a- zzzzz
Desmond : *Cover her in blanket* We must hurry and make preps now.
All : ou...
(And so, we decide to split jobs. I call Makoto san, Desmond call Hinata san, while Kaede and Shuuichi prepare the rooms and stuffs)
Ferdinand : Makoto san, you're here?
Makoto : Ah, hi fer. I'm busy rn.
Ferdinand : Today's Chihiro san BD, right?
Makoto : You're right! I almosy forget..
Ferdinand : Oh, today is also white day as well. Did you give a present to Kyoko san?
Makoto : Umm.. i give her a CD w/ all CSI(crime scene investigation) episodes and also 'bed services'.. How about you?
Ferdinand : I give her a 3/4 body drawing. Although i didn't want to have sex w/ her just yet. We're still not married w/ each other...

T o D Danganronpa V3 | On Temporal Hiatus
FanfictionKaede (Pianist): Hi miina! welcome to this T o D book! Kiibo (Robot): Welcome. Maki (Teacher): Here, we'll answer your question- Kaito (Astronaut): Or deal with dares ya guys brought! Gonta (Entomologist): C'mon ya guys! give the readers a warm welc...