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She awoke from her sleep as she heard the front door close, followed by the sound of footsteps. She listened to the sound of keys being placed on the counter, glancing at the clock. It was nearly four in the morning, but she wasn't surprised. She sat up, brushing her dark brown hair out of her face and rubbing her eyes. The lamp next to the large bed was on, emitting a soft light. She had to sleep with the light on when he wasn't there, otherwise her dreams would be haunted with heinous visions. She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head. 'Niall?' She called softly, her light voice drifting through the slightly opened door, through the flat, into the kitchen where her lover stood. She heard his footsteps grow louder as he walked down the hallway, until he appeared in the doorway. 'Shit, I'm sorry Princess. I didn't mean to wake you.' He said, entering the room and gently shutting the door behind him. 'I missed you.' She said sleepily, watching as her boyfriend took off his snapback, sneakers and jumper. Closing her eyes, she laid back onto the pillows, letting them engulf her until she felt a familiar and comforting weight on the other side of the bed. She opened her eyes, turning on her side to face the boy whom she loved with her entire being. 'I'm sorry Violet, but I couldn't let you come this time. It was too dangerous. Next time baby, I promise." He said, pulling her small frame close to him and kissing her slowly on her soft lips. 'How was your day?' He asked, holding on to her tightly. He'd promised himself that he would keep this girl safe, no matter what. Sure, she was strong, and could take care of herself, but he didn't want her to have to fight anymore. Her demons were his now, she didn't have to battle them alone. 'Same old. I'm so tired, everything hurts.' She mumbled, burying her head in a pillow. 'What hurts baby?' He asked, puling back the crisp white sheet that covered her body, drinking in the sight of her. Niall loved her slight shoulders, her collarbones that looked so fragile. Her small waist that sloped into her curvaceous hips. He had to admit, for such a small girl, she had a great ass. It fit her frame perfectly, but wasn't as small as the stick skinny girls who she danced with. He'd see them when he picked her up from class sometimes; they all stared at him, clearly jealous of Violet. He didn't pay them any mind though, their beauty paled in comparison to Violet's. Trailing his fingers down her back he repeated his question, 'Where does it hurt?' 'My legs.' She said as Niall adjusted himself to sit by her feet. He took one of her slender legs in his hands and began to massage her calf. 'Mmmm,' she hummed appreciatively. 'What's this?' Niall asked, lightly tracing a bruise on the side of her thigh. He hated to see Violet hurt. He hated the way that the ugly purple mark tainted her otherwise perfect caramel skin. 'I fell.' She said simply, mumbling into the pillow. 'Silly Violet, always falling,' Niall said with a smile, 'for a dancer, you're quite clumsy.' He remarked. She lifted her head, 'Maybe, but I'm flexible as hell.' She said. He could hear her smiling. 'That's for damn sure,' He said, his voice low and filled with lust. He began to plant kisses along her spine, trying to ease her pain. 'Go to sleep darlin'.' He said, pulling the covers back over her body. 'I love you.' She said as he leaned over her to turn off the lamp. 'I love you too Violet.' He said, kissing the top of her head and holding her close until her breathing grew deep, signaling her drift into slumber.

Violet woke early the next morning, before Niall for once. It was Saturday and she was used to sleeping in on the weekend, but surprisingly found herself full of energy and at ease. She slowly got out of the bed, trying not to wake Niall. Throwing on one of his sweaters, she inhaled the scent of him, her fingertips brushing against the soft, grey fabric. Violet loved wearing her boyfriend's clothes, she loved how they smelled of him and were always comfortably large on her petite body. She tiptoed out of the bedroom, closing the door quietly. Walking into the living room, she smiled at the place that had quickly become her home. Niall had let her decorate, insisting that he wanted her to be comfortable. He always emphasized that it was their home, although he paid the rent. Violet loved that about him; he always considered her in his decisions. She thought back to the beginning of their relationship, how he'd brought her broken spirit back to life. As Violet walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker, she remembered how Niall had saved her from the hell that had been her life not too long ago. In an essence, she thought, he'd saved her from herself.

'When do you get off?' Violet asked her fellow dancer, Emily, as she dropped her jacket on the old, battered couch against the back wall. 'Three, you?' Emily asked as she applied lipgloss in the large mirror that lined the opposite wall. 'Three thirty.' Violet responded, sitting down next to Emily and pulling out her makeup bag. She looked at the clock on the wall, noticing that it was barely ten. 'Do you need to stay over again?' Emily asked, looking at Violet with concern in her eyes. 'No, it's okay. I-I'll figure something out.' She replied quietly. 'Vi, you know you can stay over any time, half of your stuff is already at my place.' Emily said with a smile, standing behind her friend's chair. 'I promise, I'm going to look for an apartment next week. I almost have enough money saved up for the deposit.' 'Sweetie, don't worry about it. I already told you that you can stay with me for as long as you need to. Where did you stay last night?' Emily inquired. 'With that investment banker.' Violet groaned. 'Hon, you can't keep staying with these sleazy guys! I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you.' Violet shrugged, busying herself with her makeup so she didn't have to meet Emily's gaze. They'd had this conversation numerous times, and it always ended the same way. 'How much did he give you?' 'Two fifty.' Violet said quietly, sounding ashamed. She knew it wasn't enough, but she couldn't chance asking for any more. She needed as much money as she could get, which often led to unfavorable situations. But she was used to it by now, she did what she had to do to get by. 'Two fifty!?' Emily nearly shouted, Violet had expected this response, 'What the fuck!? Who does he think he is?' Emily yelled as she began to pace the room. Violet sighed, 'I took another two hundred from his wallet on my way out this morning. The asshole was passed out, probably from all of the shots he ordered last night.' 'Good! The bastard better hope that he doesn't run into me, or there'll be hell to pay.' Violet quickly jerked her head to attention upon hearing this remark, 'No! Please don't say anything, he's my best customer.' She pleaded. 'Em! You're up next!' A thickly accented voice came from the doorway. It belonged to their manager, Ed. 'I'm coming! Keep your fucking pants on.' Emily said, rolling her eyes. 'It'll be hard with you looking so fit.' He said with a grin before retreating down the hall, towards the pounding music in the smoke filled club. 'I'll be back in a bit, okay?' Emily said in a nurturing tone. Since Violet started working at the club, Emily had felt a need to protect her. She knew that Violet was much too good, too pure to be in this place. 'Okay.' Violet said, offering a small smile as her friend exited the room.

Returning to the present, Violet grabbed a mug from the cupboard, filling it with coffee. She added milk and sugar, reminding herself that she no longer worked in that awful place. She was safe now. She had Niall, who had saved her. To Violet, he was the prince who saved her from the dragon. He was a prince, and she was his princess.

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