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Violet climbed onto the stage to the cheers of many drunken men.

‘And now we have the lovely Violet!’ The DJ announced, his voice booming throughout the speakers as music began to play. She seductively walked across the stage, eyeing the men in the audience, trying to figure out who would be the best tipper. She saw a group of businessmen to the right of the stage. Stockbrokers, Violet figured. She approached the middle of the stage, where a pole sat and a spotlight shined. As Violet wrapped her leg around the pole and began to spin, she closed her eyes, dreaming that she was far away, on a stage in Paris or Russia. Dropping to her knees, she began to crawl across the stage, approaching the right corner. Lying on her back, she let her head rest on the edge of the stage as she raised her arms above her, her hair cascading off the stage. The men whooped and cheered, offering her crumbled bills, some begin gutsy enough to stuff them down her bra. She slowly sat up, turning around and swinging her legs off of the stage as she beckoned for one of the men to come closer. His friends patted him on the back as he approached her, his eyes scanning her body hungrily. Violet took his tie in her hand, pulling him closer and running her hands up and down his chest. She leaned back again, arching her back as he stood between her legs. Violet could tell that he was wasted and smelled the alcohol on his breath; she hoped that he would accidentally give her some bills larger than the ones she usually got. As Violet sat up, the man took her arm, placing it on his shoulder. The guests weren’t supposed to touch the dancers, but they often forgot and Violet playfully found a way to remove herself from their grasp. Violet wagged her finger in the air as a warning as she winked at him, backing from the edge of the stage.

‘Don’t be a tease!’ He shouted aggressively, his voice muffled by the music. Violet purely winked at him as she prepared to return to the center of the stage. As Violet stood up slowly, the man grabbed her hair, yanking her back down.

‘Fuck off!’ She screamed, pushing him away from her. He grabbed her, placing one arm around her waist as the other on the back of her head. Violet tried to knee him in the chest but he held her in place his grip tight, forbidding her from moving. Violet desperately looked to the back of the club, trying to grab the attention of the bouncers. They saw the commotion and began to make their way to the stage, trying to fit their broad bodies through the crowd and around tables filled with drinks. The man looked back at his friends who were cheering him on before he pushed on the back of her head, forcing her mouth onto his. Violet tried to turn away, but he overpowered her.

Violet suddenly heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and opened her eyes to see the man drop to the ground. She quickly backed away from the edge of the stage, wanting to put as much difference between her and the creep. She stood up, glancing at the floor where he was lying. His nose was bleeding and his lip would split, his friends helping him up as the security guards led them to the exit. Shock running through her body; she glanced at the blonde who had thrown the punch. He angrily watched as the group of men exited the club, his fists balled at his sides. He then looked at Violet, his face softening.

‘Are you okay?’ He asked Violet, who was clearly shaking. She nodded her head slowly, frozen in her spot. Concern on his face, he climbed on the stage and carefully walked over to Violet, reaching out his hand. Violet continued to stare at him, her mouth agape. When she didn’t respond Niall stepped towards her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

‘C’mon,’ he said quietly as he led her towards the back of the stage. The DJ quickly started another song, trying to distract the crowd.

Niall led Violet backstage, his arms still wrapped around her shoulders protectively. When they reached the dressing room, he led her to the couch and she sat down, looking at the ground, ashamed. Niall crouched in front of her, looking her in the eyes. When she raised her head she noticed that his eyes were a shade of sky blue and she was immediately comforted by the way he looked at her.

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