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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, (or what seems like a while) I've been a little busy with school but let's be real I've mostly just been watching YouTube. But anyway this is about trying to make new friends. I'm in my schools musical and I want to be this one guys friend because he seems like a cool dude ya know, we talked a little today and I think I'm making small steps toward at least acquaintanceship. So yeah that's the story behind this.

You seem cool
Here's a joke or two
Or too many
I want to be friendly but if I'm too friendly I'll scare you off
I tend to try to be intimidating but I'll try not to because that will scare you off too
Let's start over
I like you're shirt
And your hair
And your jokes
Sorry if I come on too strong
I want to seem cool because you're cool
I'll try to be myself
Because you should like me for me and I'll like you for you
I like your shirt


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