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Really really sorry for not updating for a few weeks guys

I'm struggling to keep afloat
All these things that I'm supposed to do
I'm drowning
Everything is like a rock
Adding weight to my sinking mind
I can't tread water with boulders attached to my ankles
Bound by chains called stress and procrastination
I'm struggling to reach a buoy
Something to lessen the load
When I finally reach it it slips out of my grasp
Last night I finally got ahold of it
But it slipped
And now I'm drowning again
Struggling to keep my head above the waves of life
So now I'm just waiting
Waiting for that buoy to come back to me
Until then I'll tread the best I can
Willing the current to push me toward land
I'll get there someday
The boulders tied to my ankles will disappear
The chains will be broken
And I will be free


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