So I'm in the accelerated learning thing in my school district and it's kind of bad because I've been secluded to the same people sence first grade and I don't know many people outside of my class and my classmates and I are often labeled as thinking we're better than everyone else which we don't think that at all but I digress. This is basically about people being labeled and put into groups
I'm "the smart kid"
My friend's "the loud kid"
They're "The sad kid"
We're grouped together as "the weird ones"
There's the athletes, the emos, the nerds
But if they actually knew my "group" they would know we're more than weird or smart or different
They don't know us like we know us just like we don't know them like they know them
I like my group but we aren't just what we seem to be
We're more than that
But only we know it
ALSO really sorry for not updating but I've been busy with school and the musical that I'm in and I haven't thought of anything to write I'm v sorry
Poems and Creative Writing(ish)
PoetryA collection of random poem things I've written. Some of them are sad and this is just a way to express my feelings kind of