The Meeting

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Orion's POV

I was actually running for my life.
Why did I trust those scouts?!
I ran as fast as I could, trying to get away from the group of Predacons, who were currently chasing me through a cannon. My mentor, Alpha Trion, had left for a skirmish with the same group of Predacons who were currently chasing me and were catching up! I had left with a few scouts that stayed behind for a patrol. Alpha Trion had trained me to fight but not very much. And he really didn't prepare me for what I had just encountered. The whole team was just slaughtered, right in front of my optics.
The energon......
The bodies ......
Everywhere ....
Calm down, Orion!
I had already sent out a distress signal, hopefully they would come soon. I turned a corner, right into a dead end. I desperately looked for an exit, but to no avail. I turned as a growl emitted from behind me. The fear raised in my spark of the sight of the Predacons' evil leader. He smirked and gave a small malicious chuckle. "Well it's too bad that we have to kill the next generation of your race, oh wait, that's the point." He growled and took a step forward. I backed up to the wall, wishing that I had never left base and hoping that maybe, just maybe, the others would soon come. But deep in my spark, I couldn't bury the doubt, that they wouldn't make it.
I'm sorry, Alpha Trion.
Suddenly, the three Predacons standing behind the huge leader dropped, energon leaking out of their chests. The leader looked around, confused at first, then his optics narrowed as a blur shot past him and into the side rock wall to my right. He growled and stared at the wall, "Come out traitor!" He roared. I heard a small shuffle and then she stepped out of the shadows. A beautiful femme predacon with shining ocean blue eyes, that flashed with anger as she looked at the larger predacon before her. She didn't even glance at me as I stared at her. Confusion flashed in the leaders optics. He raised his head slightly, "Moon? What is the meaning of this?" He said with a soft growl. She growled and lowered her head. She didn't speak, just continued to stare at him. "Well, since your here, you can have a bit of the fun as well. Come on, let's tear him apart!" He said looking towards me again. That's when she looked at me, there was no emotion in her face. Then she started toward me. The fear rose again inside me.
Nope, no chance for survival now.
The leader was about to stalk forward but the femme surprised us both. She stepped in between me and the larger predacon and glared at him. He narrowed his optics. "Moon....move." He growled low. She growled as she glared daggers at him. Standing protectively in front of me. "Listen to your superior and do as your told!" He growled the command. Then she spoke, a voice that was gentle, yet strong. "Enough, Enzyno. No more killing. No more controlling. This war won't prove anything." She said softly but with a slight growl. But he wouldn't back down, "This war will prove that the Predacons are strong. And that we will not stop till all of them are dead." He said harshly, pointing a talon at me. I had frozen with fear. "It will only show that you are a bloodthirsty beast! And nothing more!" She snarled with the same ferocity. He growled low, "Get out of the way Moon!" He roared but she stood her ground. "No." She said simply. With that, he roared in outrage and leapt at her, sharp talons gleaming. She ran under one talon and leapt onto his back. She leapt up his neck and bit down on his snout. He roared as energon leaked. He grabbed her and flung her to a wall, also causing her to tear his ear clean off. The dust covered her up, hiding her from view. My optics widened as Enzyno turned his massive head towards me, rage flashing in his optics and energon running down his face. "Your turn." He whispered harshly, and leapt at me. Then the blur came back, it knocked him aside, and growled. She had came back! She leapt at him, bit down on his neck, and raked her talons through his underbelly, causing more energon to leak. He struggled from her grasp and pushed her away. He was weak, losing energon too fast. With one last growl and death threat at Moon, he flew off. She was breathing heavily, energon leaking from a few scratches she had. I was about to say something, when a patrol showed up. They surrounded her and pointed their guns, aiming and ready to shoot. Then Alpha Trion showed up, his face was understanding and cautious. I sighed in relief, but then looked at the scouts, still aiming their guns at Moon. One of them was yelling at her, interrogating her, and questioning her harshly. Suddenly he gave the order to fire, but I leapt in. "Wait! Don't kill her!" I held my hands up, standing in between her and the guns. Everyone's optics widened at my actions. The leader of the scouts narrowed his optics suspiciously, "Orion, are you turning traitor?!"
"She is."
We all jumped at the voice that came from above. Suddenly Abysnos was on the ground in front of me and Moon. The scouts lowered their weapons. "Pardon?" The scout leader asked. Abysnos looked at Moon, "She is turning traitor. To the Predacons." Alpha Trion came up to stand next to me. He looked at me, "Is this true?" He asked. "Yes, it is." I saw everyone jump at the femme predacons voice. Well all except Abysnos.
"I am no longer associated with Enzyno and his goons. I never liked to kill but I will do so if necessary," she waved her tail at the dead predacons she had killed earlier. "She risked her life for mine." I murmured to Alpha Trion. Who looked at me, slight surprise showing in his optics. The scouts seemed convinced, Alpha Trion and Abysnos looked at each other, something seemed to flash in their optics. Abysnos nodded and Alpha Trion looked at Moon. "Come with us, we will take you to our base." Moon nodded and followed Alpha Trion and Abysnos, on there way back to our home. The scouts surrounded her, staying cautious, and I found myself walking next to her. One of her wings nudged my shoulder softly. "Hey, thanks. For what you did back there. Keeping them from shooting me." I smiled and shrugged, "It was the least I could do. After you technically saved my life from Enzyno." She chuckled softly, and a blush reached my faceplate.

Abysnos' POV

When I first laid my optics on the femme predacon. Two things flashed in my mind. One, she could possibly be the femme in my dream. Two, she seemed to click something deep inside my spark. Something I should be remembering. I shook it off for now. I heard her chuckle behind me. I smiled.

Yay! Another chapter done! Another one coming. Soon. So be patient. Anyway see Ya!

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