What shall we do with her?

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Orion's POV

When the group of bots got back to their home, Magatronus ran up to me. Making me stop following them. Alpha Trion looked back and nodded, then him and Abysnos went to Moon's side. I was kinda sad to watch her go but I needed to tell Megatronus everything. "My brother! What happened?!" Megatronus couldn't miss my look at Moon. "Who is she?" He whispered quietly. I smiled softly at his questions. Then grabbed his arm and pulled him with me towards to group, which was now disappearing in a great building. "Come on! Let's go watch!" We ran through the doors and down the main hall. I slightly skid to a stop, before I ran smack into Alpha Trion. My mentor turned and gave a small smile as he saw us. He lifted a hand to his mouth and told us to be quiet, then led us to a couple doors. We quietly walked in to see that a interrogation was going on. All of the Primes were in their assigned seats and the metal barrack on the wall. I looked on the platform where a femme predacon stood. I instantly recognized her as Moon. Megatronus leaned towards me. "Isn't that the predacon you like?" I pushed him away after he gave a small snicker. But I couldn't stop the small blush that hit my cheeks as I looked at her.
Is he right? Do I like Moon?
I snapped my thoughts back as I saw two mechs escort Moon out of the room. I looked at Alpha Trion, then he nodded his head towards the door. I smiled and ran out. As I ran out the door I almost ran into Abysnos, who gave a small growl. I took a step back. Abysnos was said to be very grumpy, and very strict, especially in his training. If you made him mad enough, he might as well squash you. He glared at me, "Watch where your running, little one." He growled. "I-I'm sorry, Abysnos, it won't happen again. Um do you know where Moon is." For a second, I thought I saw his face soften majorly and he stared at the wall. He shook his head, his angry face returning. He pointed down a hall. "Down the hall, second room to the right." He said. I nodded my thanks and ran down the hall, feeling his burning gaze on my back. Then I reached the door, I opened it, and looked inside. Moon was laying on the ground, her wings were close to her body. My optics widened as she lifted her head and I saw the chain around her neck and attached to the wall. "Well hi there." Her voice broke my thoughts. "Hey. They chained you up?" I closed the door and walked towards her. "Yeah. Alpha Trion and the other Primes agreed that it would be safer." She nodded. "Safer? How? This seems like they want to test your patience." She chuckled at my statement as I sat down beside her head, my back against the wall. "Safer from me attacking one of you. But I don't intend to attack someone that I just saved." I smiled. Then, there was a knock at the door. Then Megatronus walked in. "There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere. Oh and hi, who are you?" I smiled at his concern, and stood up. Moon also stood up to a sitting position. "This is Moon, the predacon that saved me earlier." He nodded at her and she smiled and nodded. "So, decided on a change to sides, huh?" He said in a sassy tone that I rolled my optics at, but Moon's smile didn't falter. "Nah, I just wanted to find sassy cybertronians to kill." I almost burst out laughing at the change on Megatronus' face. His optics widened in fear and he looked bewildered, no one had ever had a comeback for his comments. Moon then chuckled. "I'm just playing, I won't kill you. Unless you piss me off, then I might consider it." She shrugged. "Just watch what to say to new people, you never know how they will react." She nudged his shoulder with her snout and smiled, making him smile and look at me. I heard through a secret comm that we had. I like this femme. I smiled but deep inside me, a slight tug of jealousy. I didn't have time to dwell on that. The door opened and Alpha Trion and Abysnos walked in. Alpha Trion nodded to me and Megatronus, Abysnos just stared at Moon. "The Primes have come to an agreement. You are allowed to join us if it is your choice." All optics were on Moon. She gave a soft smile and nodded. It seemed that everyone took a silent sigh of relief. Alpha Trion smiled and took the chain off, and Moon nodded in thanks. "You shall be staying with Orion and Megatronus. They will show you to their quarters." Moon nodded and the trio smiled. "We have also decided that you shall have a mentor while you stay here." Moon looked at him with bright optics. "We feel that Abysnos will be the perfect mentor for you." With that my breath froze. Abysnos! Abysnos is her mentor?! I looked over at Megatronus and saw a reflection of my own surprise on his own face. I looked back at Moon to see her look towards Abysnos and nod slightly. He gave a small nod with a serious expression. Alpha Trion stepped aside to let us out of the room. Abysnos stopped Moon for a second and stared seriously in her optics. "I want you at the training room at first light, am I understood?" He said sternly. She nodded, giving him and equally serious stare. He nodded at me and Megatronus. "They will show you where to go." I nodded as she gave him a nod. "Off you go." He nodded down the hall. Moon turned and we all ran down the main hall and out of the building.

Moon's POV

After showing me where the training room was they lead me to their shared berthroom, where another berth was waiting on the other side of the room. We then all sat on our berths and I broke the silence. "So, explain, both of you." They gave me confused looks. I rolled my optics. "When Alpha Trion assigned Abysnos as my mentor. I could feel the shock from you two. So what's up?" They shared a look that I couldn't possibly understand, then Megatronus sighed. "Abysnos has.....a history with being very......abusive.....with his students." I gave him a confused look. "Abusive? Elaborate?" I said. "Let's just say that if you piss him off, you will most likely get hurt." Orion cut in, looking me dead in the face, there was fear behind his concerned eyes. Concern.....fear......for or from who? I thought about what they said for a moment. Then a gave them a calming smile. "Well then.....I just can't piss him off." I chuckled as they shared a scared and slightly surprised look. "Well in that case.....Get some rest." Orion said as the lights turned off, we all laid down and offlined our optics. Through her roommates concerns, I was excited for the following day. With a small smile on my face, I fell into a deep recharge.

Well there we go. Finally got this chapter done! YAY! CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH! 😂 Jk. Hope you enjoyed! Love you guys and see you in the next chapter!

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